Chapter 2

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Killer's P.O.V

I was sitting with Killer at Haventale Grillby's when I set my plan in motion. "Hey, can I visit some friends?" I nervously smile, "Um, ok just be careful" He hesitantly smiled. I opened a small portal, and stepped through "Oh wait where are you going" Color shouted, "Umm to find Ink and some friends" I shouted back. 

Nightmare's P.O.V

Cross insisted that we all went to visit the Star Sanses no one felt up to it but we went anyway to shut him up. "So why are we here" I muttered walking into the large home. "We'll be having a special visitor!" He smiled, everyone was extremely confused mostly because none of us had smiled in a while. "Then can I guess" Blue jumped up and down. 

Cross took his phone out of his pocket and started beaming. "They're here! Oh yeah and Nightmare take these!" Cross beamed sticking his hand in a portal and pulling out some purple and red roses then tossing the bouquet at me. 

"Why do I need these?" I groaned. "You'll need them" He shushed me, while he pushed me to the door then I heard a knock and everyone went silent. I turned the knob to see Killer standing there awkwardly. 

No one moved it was almost as if time went still in one of my tentacles to hand him the flower's "B-boss." he softened, before I knew what I was doing I wrapped him into a hug that went on for a few minutes. He was small and warm I never wanted to let go but eventually Error made a joke then Ink which made me pulling away blushing a deep color. 

We all had fun and partied for the next few hour's. Though the whole time I don't think I took my eye's off Killer the whole time, then Cross sat down next to me with a beer. "Hey how'd you know Killer would be here?" I question the black and white Sans. He scooted away then got up to run. I instantly pulled him back down by the cape "Ok, we talk." He put blaintley. "Like in real life." I questioned "No we chat on Minecraft" He chuckled. "So you've been in touch with him the entire time and told no one?" I sighed "Yes" He shrugged, I facepalmed "You're an idiot!" I exclaimed,

I turned back around on the couch and saw, Killer with Lust, I looked around again and heard bit's of Horror and Blue comparing recipes. It felt like a huge relief for everyone one to be happy. 

We were gonna end the night with a movie when there was a loud knock. Ink approached the door and he was instantly pushed aside by Color, causing a growl from Error. "Is Killer still here!" He shouts looking around franticly I swiftly slide Killer behind me successfully hiding him behind my tentacles.

"Oh he um went home an hour ago!" Blue smiled, I wanted to kill him but I don't wanna hurt Killer. "Umm alright then." He sighed walk back to the door, before he walked fully through the doorframe he shot me a triumphantly smug look. Every bone on my blood boiled but I kept my composure knowing I was the Killer went running to.

(Sorry I haven't been posting I'm still getting used to school!)

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