Chapter 3

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Color's P.O.V

When I left I instantly darted up to Killer's room. "Killer are you in there!" I knocked on the door, it was silent for a few seconds then the door slowly slid open. "Yep I'm here!" He smiled, I was flooded with relief "Umm when did you get back? I questioned him my lights flashed a mix of blue and orange. "I got back a few hours ago after watching a movie with the Star Sanses." He answered.  "Alright"I smile back leaving the doorway.

Killer's P.O.V

I was lucky that I got back in time I thought to myself. I sat on my bed and squealed silently. "It's been so long since I'd seen them" I thought pulling out my knife. "It's been so long since I've seen any of my friends and Nightmare.." I blushed, I cuddled my knife. I pulled out my phone and logged onto Minecraft.

3 hour's of Minecraft later

Cross joined the game

Cross: Hey man.

Killer: Thank's for today. 

Cross: No probs, I bet you have some fun with Nightmare~

Killer: Oh like I didn't see you with Dream~

Cross: Nevermind!

Killer: Now I just need to find a way to kill something.

Cross: I think I can help you with that.

Killer: Umm wut?

Cross: We'll be having some fun, in Underfell in a few week's. 

Killer: I'll find a way to be there!

Killer left the game

I sat up pondering how I could escape, falling into my own thought's I drifted into sleep. 

~Tem skip to morning~

Nightmare's P.O.V

I woke up early getting out of bed with a groan, I shuffled my way out my door. I looked down the hall to Killer's door and sighed. I walked back into my room and grabbed the Killer doll Error made me a month ago I placed it neatly into my jacket.

 I walked downstair's to see Cross already there laying on the couch with his phone. "What are you doing?" I sigh looking over him shoulder. "I'm playing Minecraft with Killer" He says not looking up from his phone. I watching chat with Killer for a few minute's "Tell him I said hi", I mumble heading towards the kitchen


Cross: Hey man Nightmare told me to say hi for him....

Killer: Wait really!?

Cross: But since that's boring I have a better Idea.

Killer: What?

Cross: Send nudes.

Killer: Dude you..... are an asshole.

Cross: You're welcome, but he seriously said to say hi.


I prepared my regular cup of black coffee and walked down to the basement, to torture a prisoner or two. I exhaled feeling their negative emotions seep off of them. Hearing their shouts and screams and cries, gave me a hint of happiness. 

A few week's later

Killer's P.O.V

It was time to leave and all I was bringing was my knife. They should have arrived at Underfell by now" I mumble opening a decent portal, I crack open my door not seeing Color anywhere nearby. I close the door once more and step through the portal instantly met by the clod of Underfell.

I pass multiple tree's to be met by the smell of smoke and a small stream of dust blowing in the wind. I started running to see Nightmare cornering about five people strangling one in the air. "Hey, I made it!" I shouted waving over to Nightmare. He stopped and turned around dropping one, before I could get to him someone grabbed my arm from behind. 

It was Color  "No wait Killer I.." Nightmare yelled, but it was already to late I was being pulled into a portal. I reached my hand out but the portal was already closed. " Th-that was a close one!" I stutter on the brink of tears "Yeah be more careful next time." He smile's, "Umm thank  yo-you" I flash a weak smile. He smile's again and leave's, I start crying.

Once my sobs lighten, I open a small portal and watch them go on a rampage. I open another portal, to watch Lust and Horror have a date. I close it and open another to watch Nightmare strangle 2 monster's I stare at him for a few minutes, he turns around with a wicked smile it instantly fades when he see's me peeking through a small portal.  

He walks up "Bo-Boss" I blush, without a word he gives me a kiss it only last's a few seconds though I never wanted it to end. He pull's away and closes the portal, leaving me in a lovestruck daze. "Oh. My. STAR'S" I sqeal jumping up and down. 

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