Chapter 9

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Color's P.O.V

I managed to make my way into Dreamtale undetected my doing my best to mask my emotion's.  I see Nightmare's enormous mansion "overkill" I mumble, I walk around the large property till I see a balcony I teleport onto it in a rainbow flash nearly missing and falling to my death. I use the smallest Gaster blaster I can summon to break the lock on the door, I open it to see and dark room with a bed covered in a red sheet and what look's like a human arm on the nightstand. I grimaced at the blood still wet.

Cautiously opening the door though it creaked loudly echoing through the long hallway. I checked 2 more room's one I could assume was Cross's from the black and white bed, and the other's might be Dust's from the small pile of monster dust in the corner. I arrived to a brighter colored room which I could only assume was Killer's because of the stuffed bunny on the bed. I looked around but he wasn't there, I continued to search the house but no one was there I started calling out Killer's name only for it to echo in the empty hall's.

After searching what felt like the entire mansion only find not a single living soul. I don't even wanna think what they could be doing to poor Killer I could only begin to imagine the torture they're putting him though. I clenched my fist.


"Ahh stop it it hurt's please!" Killer wailed, "I-I'll do anything y-you want!" He yelled, but the Star Sanses continued tickling him. "Anything you say..." Ink ceased fire, "Blue tell him our terms!" Blue scooted over spoke into the tar leaking skeleton's 'ear'. He blushed a rapidly increasing red and crawled over to Nightmare and star on his lap. Nightmare just positioned his arm around Killer's waist.

Back with Color

A chill went down my side as I retreated out the mansion back through the balcony "I swear I'll find you Kill's" I mumble teleporting back to Haventale. 

2 hour's later

Killer's P.O.V

We decided to finish off the night with a cheesy romance movie. We all rolled out of sleeping bags I in the corner of my eye I saw Ink and Error with merged sleeping bag's, Cross laying on his back and Dream next to him. Then on the left side of me I caught Horror sitting up and Lust rested his head on Horror's shoulder. Then Dust was laying on his back and Blue cuddled on his chest. I was sitting close to Nightmare. 

The entire movie we trashed it and made joke's about the cheesiness. We threw popcorn at the screen and joked, by end of the movie nearly everyone was crying and shouting. I looked around once more to see Lust and Horror already asleep and so were Ink and Error. After some more messing around everyone was asleep I looked to my side to see even Nightmare asleep in his sleeping bag. 

I was the last one awake I was comfy in my sleeping bag but the I was still wide awake. I slid out of my sleeping bag and crawled into Nightmare's sleeping bag. He shifted slightly to hug me I blushed but still surely I drifted in to sleep Nightmare's soft snore's filling my slowly fading thought's.

To da morning

I slowly stirred awake, I purred still comfy in Nightmare's warmth. Though now I was fully awake so I slid myself out of the large sleeping bag, doing my best not to disturb Nightmare. Since I was first up I decided to clean up all the popcorn that we threw at the screen, I started gathering a pile of buttered popcorn doing my best to avoid stepping on any of the sleeping skeleton-monster's. 

I picked as much as I could without using a vacuum. I then began picking up 7 different popcorn bowls near each sleeping bag, and taking them all to the kitchen. As I finished washing my first bowl when I heard footstep's behind me, I turn my head from the sink to see Blue. "Good morning!" Blue smiled energetically, I smiled back still sorta tired. He went digging in a few cupboard's till he found multiple pan's and cooking ingredient's "How is he so energetic." I think looking back to the unwashed popcorn bowl's.

After I finish washing the bowl's I asked Blue I can help cook, he instantly agree's and we chat while I flip pancake's and he turn's bacon. A few minute's later Dream wake's up and start's help, then 10 minute's after that Ink wake's up and also begin's helping in a matter of minute's the food was completely cooked and the table was set. 

We all sneak back into the living room's to wake up the other's, and I knew this would be fun.....

3rd P.O.V

Killer crawled up to Nightmare and softly shook him, in response he grunted and pulled the smaller skeleton onto his chest then after a minute he started coming to his senses and let go blushing ever so slightly. 

Dream sat next to the sleeping Cross a tapped him, he stirred away and slowly lifted his head. "Good morning!" Dream smiled giving Cross a Kiss on the lip's, he turned a rapid purple and fainted. "C-Crossy!" Dream panicked, if Cross could faint again he would from the cute nickname.

Ink lightly put his hand's on Error's chest "Error come on" he complained, after complaining Error mumbled with a swing of his hand's "Shut up." sting's flew from the ceiling and tied Ink to the ceiling also tying his mouth shut.

Blue crawled onto Dust's chest and began attempting to wake him, Dust brought his hand to the back of Blue's head and kissed him, leaving Blue speechless.

After Ink freed himself from Error's string's he sat down next to Horror and Lust who were now comfortable in the sleeping bag together. Ink readied himself to jump onto the sleeping couple, when Horror still with closed eye's raised his axe to Ink's throat. And Ink backed away slowly and let the two sleep.

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