Chapter 11

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Killer's P.O.V

It was roughly 11:20 at night and I was stuffed from Horror's meal I was in my bed but once again I couldn't sleep, so I shuffled to Nightmare's room falling asleep in his grasp.

Nightmare's P.O.V

I slowly wake up by shaking on my side, I groan and open my eye to see Killer shaking a quietly whimpering "huh I guess that answer's one question" I blush a light turquoise. I place my hand on his shoulder and he flinches, I gently turn him around, his eye's are shut tight though large tear's flowing.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm s-so sorry" Killer continued to whimper. I wrap my arm around the shaking skeleton, "It's alright you idiot" I soothe,  start's settling and his sobs diminish into hiccup's. I continue to mutter reassuring words, he soon enough fall's back asleep in my arm's. "God he's cute" I mumble, kissing him on the forehead. I fall asleep holding him tight protecting him from nightmare's.

Killer's P.O.V

I slowly drifted into consciousness, in a futile attempt to get out of the bed I remember faint memories of last night I blush once again struggling to get out of Nightmare's grasp. "Tsk go back to sleep idiot." Nightmare groan's, I decide to stop fighting him and fall back asleep.

_-Tem skip-_

I wake up again but Nightmare's already gone, with a yawn and stretch I'm almost fully awake. After changing back into my normal clothing, making my way (downtown) to the kitchen Nightmare was already there sipping on coffee. I walk past him heading towards the fridge, "morning" Nightmare sip's the black coffee. 

We talk for a while bit soon enough Dust come's downstair's, and join's the conversation. After longer period's of time Cross come's downstair's then Horror. We have watch TV on the couch, and about an hour in Error come's through the anti-void portal. 

Color's P.O.V

I planned on sneaking back into the unnaturally large mansion. Originally finding a way back into the castle was the plan. But then there were two voice's, approaching so I hid.

3rd P.O.V

Nightmare, asked Killer if he wanted to walk with him, which was new because he normally went on walk's by himself. Killer was nervous and everyone was nervous for him, the small skeleton racked his brain over what he could've done to piss of the king of negative emotions.

In a small flash they were in the middle of the forest, he started walking and motioned for Killer to follow, which he reluctantly agreed to, "Killer I've brought you here to talk to you abo-" Nightmare was cut short by a bone piercing his arm. He groaned though it passed through him, Color leaped out from behind a large tree.

Nightmare's P.O.V

"Co-Color" Killer stuttered taking a step away from the large tree. Color darted forward and grabbed Killer's wrist, "Let go of him" I growled. "Kill's c'mon" Color tugged on his wrist, "I'll tell you again let go of him" I hissed, my voice seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in he tugged in an attempt to loosen Color's grip.

"Kill's?" Color yet again tried to pull Killer, "I-I wanna s-stay" Killer mumbled. I smirked, but Color looked taken aback, "Yo-you don't mean that." Color said, Killer lowered his head "I do..." 

"No the-they must've done something to you" Color refused to believe anything coming out of Killer's mouth. I sent a tentacle around Killer's other wrist pulling him out of Color's grasp and behind my back. I heard him whimper and cling to my shirt I griped Killer's hand and he squeezed it, "You get away from him!" Color yelled sending a flurry of white bone's with different colored magic flowing from the side's. I dodged most of them pulling Killer out of the attack. 

We continued to battle leaving Killer out of it in both our attempt's not to hurt him, but Color sent a bone which ricocheted off the stone path heading straight for the still stuck in a trance Killer. It was almost as if time slowed I watched him snap out of his trance but not soon enough, for his leg to get pierced he screeched tear's instantly coming to his eye socket's. I was the first to   leave the battle instantly to Killer's side, he continued to cry out and there was nothing I could do so I just held him, his blood continuously spilling out onto the floor Color came closer but with one look from me he watched from a distance.

In a flash I teleported back home on the couch Killer now unconscious in my arms. "Cross call the Star's, Dust get the bandage's. !" I bark order's. I carefully carried the limp little skeleton to his own bed. I sat down "I'm gonna kill that bastard" my voice laced hatred, I hated that all I could do was watch as Killer bleed onto the bed sheet's. Dust then ran in with bandage's which I then began to warp around his leg he flinched.

The Star's finally arrived and made me wait out side, I paced anxiously in front of the door my head snapped up when Killer screamed from the other side of the door. "That's it I'm going in!" I rushed to the door "Boss no!" Dust ran up and held my arm keeping me from turning the door nob. I sighed and sat down. I didn't realize it but Cross was crying silently, I reluctantly scoot over to him and place a hand on his shoulder he look's up shaking, "He-he'll be alright" I barley speak. It seems to be enough to calm him down, though we're all still uneasy after hearing Killer scream yet again.

After a while Dream come's out his hand's covered in blood, "Is he alright" I urge. "Yes just remember to change his bandages" Dream took off his blood covered glove's. "Then what's with all the blood?" Error motioned towards the glove's, "His fibula (Don't fact check me on that) bone was broken so we had to reset it and a lot of blood came out which was why he was screaming." Dream groaned. Then Blue came running out the door and puked in the trash can in the corner of the room. Dust was instantly by his side with a glass of water, Ink followed after Blue but he seemed alright. 

"Then can we see him?" Cross questioned but I was already inside to see Killer still unconscious and with a tear stained face. Soon enough everyone else was in the room watching over Killer, the Star Sanses had left with the reminder of changing the small skeleton's bandages.

It was somewhere around 10:30 everyone but me had left his room, I stood up to sleep in my own bed when Killer tugged on my sleeve. I sighed and laid down positioning myself so that I wouldn't be near his leg which was elevated on two pillow's. He clenched my jacket, and we fell asleep.

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