Chapter 6

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3 week's later 

Killer's P.O.V

I haven't been out of my room much since my talk with Grillby, Color's been as caring as he can but it's not enough. I was sitting down hugging my knee's, and there was a knock. I slowly stood up opening the white door "Kill's you haven't eaten in a while are you alright?" The colored skeleton smiled weakly. "I-I'm fine" I mumbled tubbing the large bags under my eye's. "If your s-sure" he closed the door, I heard a sigh from the other side of the door but I paid no attention.

I started sobbing I never felt so alone, I was surrounded by friend's and I absolutely hated it. I reached for my knife from inside my jacket, I clung to it like my life depended on it. I loosened the grip on my knife and looked at it.

I positioned the sharp object onto my soul I could end it all all my pain all my suffering large tear's streamed down my face, I could end it all, I could make it stop..........

I stopped myself barley as thought's of all my truly loved one's flooded my mind. I continued sobbing once again clenching my knife.

Color's P.O.V

I don't know what's wrong with Killer he's been starving himself and it's obvious he hasn't been sleeping. I sighed silently, I have no clue why this is happening all of a sudden. I groaned at all the thought's swirling in my mind. Maybe he just need a little excitement, and at that I teleported to the grocery store. 

"What's all the supplies!" A bunny monster came up to me. "I'm having a party since Killer's been a bit down." I smile. We say our goodbye's as I approach my home. I hum slight tune as I come across a few more people telling them about my party for Killer. 

"Everyone's invited, and I'll host it at the royal ballroom" I mumble, "I hope this might pull Killer out of his depression." I chuckle, but until then there was still a lot of wok to be done.

Nightmare's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch while everyone else conversed with each other. I was quiet listening to bits of each conversation. Until I felt a strong surge of negative emotion's coming directly from Haventale, I stood up sending a hush over the room. I raised my hand and a  portal opened, I smirked "is that a portal to Haventale" Cross stuttered. "Yeah and we have a mission" I chuckled. Everyone stood up with a wicked smile. One by one we entered the portal I was the last to go. 

"Remember we have two objectives, finding Killer and searching for the source of all that negative energy." Everyone nodded then teleported to different area's of the AU. I searched multiple home's but as I walked I noticed the Star Sanes arrive. Dream looked me in the eye's and nodded. I looked back into his eye's, there was a silent understanding that they wouldn't interfere with this battle. 

I continued on my hunt as I stumbled across Color who seemed extremely pissed. "Go back to whatever shit hole you came from!" He shouted, "I just need to find Killer and I know you know where he is" I said in a cold tone. "I'll never let you have him!" The multicolored skeleton exclaimed.

 He raised his arm and three gaster blaster's fired, I dodged them easily, tentacle's then shot out from the ground one nearly impailing the skeleton. The battle raged on as gaster blaster's fired and bone's were sent flying. Till Nightmare slid a tentacle under Color's leg sending him flying into a building head first rendering him unconscious.

I continued my search also nearing the source of negative energy. I finally approached the building that was beaming with negative energy. I opened the door searching the entire home coming to the final door. I turned the knob slowly opening the door instantly being flooded with negative emotions.

There I saw Killer alone on a bed hugging his knee's his head down. He was shaking I approached hearing small sobs he looked up "B-boss" He hiccuped before fainting. I caught him before his head hit the bed frame. I held him close teleporting to the portal to find everyone there. "Is he alright!" Error, asked genuinely concerned. "I-I don't know" I watched him limp in my arm's. I've never been this scared before....

Color's P.O.V

I slowly came to consciousness as  I slowly sat up my vision returning just in time to watch Nightmare walk through a portal holding Killer's body which seems to be completely limp.

I let out a hiss and all my head pain slowly become's less numb. I need to get Killer back, I can't let him become once again trapped by those horrible people. I needed to save him.....

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