Chapter 5

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A month later

Color's P.O.V

I walked up to Killer's room, with a knock on the door, the door swiftly opened. "Sup Color" He smiled weakly. "Um Kill's are you alright?" I asked concerned "Yeah just bad sleep!" He chuckled nervously. I stared at the bag's under his eye's, "I know what'll make you feel better! How bout few go to Grillby's!" " Yeah maybe that's what I need!" He half smile's 

Teleportation to Grillby's sound's

Killer's P.OV.

We arrived at the bar, and sat down he ordered a bottle of ketchup while I just ordered some fries. "You didn't order much are you sure you're alright" he exclaimed, "Of course I'm just not that hungry!" I said putting up the bed smile I could muster, A few monster's waved Color over. "This'll just be a second" he smiled, I rubbed the bag's under my eye's and sighed. 

Grillby came up to me from the other side of the counter, "You're not happy here are you?" he chuckled "Wh-what do you mean I love it here!" I sat up straighter, "Don't lie to yourself" He chuckled drying a glass cup. "Well I guess, but he's my best friend" I sighed talking bite of my fries, "Hey how did you know?" I questioned, "It's not that hard" he continued to dry a shot glass. "Then why hasn't he noticed" I sighed once more. "Well I think he only saw what he wanted to see" He motioned towards Color, "I guess you're right,"

We continued to chat, and he helped me a lot. "Thank's Grillb's I really needed this, how much do I owe ya" I smiled, "You know what this one's on the house." He chuckled

Nightmare's P.O.V

It's been a month and no one's heard from Killer except Cross, rarely.  Thing's have reverted back to it's depressed state, we all clung to the small memories of Killer we had for salvation. I myself clung to the thought of our kiss. But deep down I knew that, those were empty hope's and dream's. Killer might never come back, but if I could get into that damn AU..... 

I calmed myself down once more, well Dream say's he want's to talk to me so that'll be.... less than pleasant. I sighed once more.

3 hour's later 

There was a light knock on my door who I could only assume was Dream. "Come in" I sighed, and the door swiftly opened showing Dream looking rather chipper. "Hello brother, I'm here to talk to you!" He smiled "You know what we're gonna have to do this somewhere else." I rubbed my temples. "Why is there something wro-" "Because of this" I cut him off using a tentacle to open the door. Causing Cross, Dust, Lust, and Horror to come tumbling down from the other side. 

"Umm sup?" Lust nervously chuckled struggling to get out from under Cross "Get off of me!" Dust yelled, attempting to push Horror off of him. "How about we talk at my place" Dream shrugged. In a flash out light we teleported to the couch on in the Star Sans's humble abode. 

"Brother, I refuse to tip toe around this so, please tell me the truth why were you emitting positive energy so strongly?" He crossed his arms, I swallowed "They were only because everyone was having fun" I scoffed. "Brother I told you not to lie to me, we both know those weren't regular feeling's it was love" He sighed. I blushed, "And I take it was from a certain tae leaking skeleton" He wiggled his 'eyebrow's'. "Who the hell told you!" I blushed a deeper color. 

There was a pause then it came to "Damn it Cross" I mumbled Dream chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his skull. "What's the point anyway, I'll never see him again" I chuckled dryly, "I see" Dream's mood dropped. "Can I go now" I rolled my eye's, Dream nodded, and at that I was gone in a second. 

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