Chapter 10

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Nightmare's P.O.V

After Killer waking me up he and a few other's went into the kitchen, I thought back to last night which was a blur. Did Killer really sleep with the sleeping bag with me or was it another dream, I need to figure out if I was really sleeping with Killer. I couldn't risk the embarrassment if it was all just a dream. 

I slowly got out of my sleeping bag, and shuffled to the kitchen to be met with the smell of bacon and waffle's. I seemed to be last to the table but no one notice since they were all caught in their own conversation's, there was a seat open next to Killer which I took. "Uh where's Lust?" Blue's smile shifted to become bit more confused while looking at Horror, "When I tried to wake him he yelled something about beauty sleep." Horror bit into his pancake,.

 I bit into the pancake and for something sweet it wasn't bad, maybe because Killer know's I don't like sweet things I smiled faintly. I listened to the multiple conversation's even joining in at multiple point's.

In about an hour's time all the dishes were washed and Lust was sad he missed out on breakfast, but went home shortly after. We said or goodbye's which the Star Sanses dargged out as an excuse to kiss Dust, Error, and Cross. I rolled my eye's and basically dragged them through the portal kicking and screaming. 

Once everyone was through the portal it shattered and disappeared, "Uh boss what was that about?" Dust pointed at the area the portal used to be. "It's all these damn happy emotion's from Underfell, and will you idiot's get out of your pajama's!" I groan. No one pointing out that Nightmare's also in pajama's, we all headed upstair's to change back into out normal more intimidating clothing.

Killer's P.O.V

I was exhilarated to be able to kill, since I was back how it became an itch I didn't even know I needed to scratch. I was the first one downstair's and dressed I clenched my knife in my pocket and squeezed it, every one else arrived down stair's.

"Error open the portal" Nightmare crossed his arm's, Error waved his hand and a glitchy portal opened. We stepped through being filled with the chill of Waterfall "Here's the plan Hor-" I ran off to find the nearest monster.

3rd P.O.V

"What's his problem" Error closed the portal, "Who know's maybe the bloodlust finally got to him!" Dust chuckled, Nightmare was still confused though "Uhh since Killer's gone just um have do the usual" Nightmare shrugged. They separated to different part's of UF!Waterfall, Nightmare followed distantly behind Killer to make sure he doesn't do anything too stupid. Occasionally protecting him from royal guards.

Tem skip

They all found each other in the middle of a patch of withered echo flower's, they talked on about who they killed and how "No one killed Edge right, or Red will put a target on out back." Cross shivered, Everyone shook their head's therefore then foot step's from behind the group a red spear went flying through the air and pierced Nightmare. They turned their head and Undyne was there bleeding from multiple cut's and bruises,.

Everyone laughed psychotically leaving her shocked, "I pierced your leader why are you all laughing?" Undyne shouted, "Do I look dead!" Nightmare chuckled along. Then after that... well let's just say she didn't last long. "Ugh the fish smell's gonna be stuck in my jacket for week's!" Error took off his jacket, and sniffed it. "This place is finished let's go back before the Star's come." Nightmare rolled his eye light.

Teleporting back to the mansion, Nightmare pulled Killer off to the side "Kill's why'd you run off?" Nightmare showed almost no concern, "S-Sorry boss it's just that when I was in Haventale, I couldn't really kill much." The smaller's voice started shaking "And then being back here with all of you made me forget but when we went to" Killer rambled on as tear's slowly fell, "Then then-" Before he knew it Killer began to hiccup, Nightmare pulled him into a hug "Shh hey, you did good there were ton's of negative emotion's." "And I'll make sure you never have to go back there." The goop covered skeleton soothed. He continued this for a few minute's.

Killer eventually calmed down, "Hey Horror probably finished making dinner" Nightmare sniffed the air to smell beef. Killer nodded and followed Nightmare gripping the taller's arm, Dust was already at the table and Cross was last to arrive. Each plate had 6 small pieces of beef with green bean's, and to top it off (Keep in mind I know nothing of food) white rice and gravy sauce on the side. Cross's mouth was basically watering at that point, though Horror was just really happy they all enjoyed his cooking.

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