Chapter 8

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(I'mma do the best I can!)

Nightmare's P.O.V

My eye slowly opened hearing my alarm, without moving a tentacle swiftly pressed the button on the navy blue alarm clock. I shifted my arm to feel a small area of warmth on the bed sheet but there was only cold air occupying the bed, was it Killer or was it just my paranoia. I focused on the event's of lat night it was a blurry memory of seeing Killer in my room, but maybe it was just a dream. 

I heaved myself out of bed to in preparation and who know's maybe Killer's already awake.

Killer's P.O.V

I was downstair's by myself since everyone beside Nightmare woke up at 8:00. I had already fixed myself a bowl of cereal and ate it so I was on my own sitting on the large couch considering returning back to my room. I stood up and began my walk up the large dark wood stairs and down the hallway. I continued walking my head down while I stared at my phone.

I tripped over my feet without enough time to catch myself I brace for the impact of the cold floor.... yet nothing came I looked up to see that I was caught by Nightmare "Be careful you idiot" he scoffed "Th-thanks boss" I blushed "What ever." He mumbled turquoise blush started spreading on his cheek bone's.

Time skip to about 12:30

Everyone was to their own devices on the large couch and side couches in the living room. Nightmare was sitting closest to me, so I took the opportunity to lay back into his shoulder. "Guy's the Star Sanses want to know if we want to come over for a sleepover in celebration that Killer's back." He read from his phone, "Yeah let's do it!" I enthusiastically nodded everyone nodded in agreement. "Horror can you help me get the sleeping bags from the attic?" I stood up motioning up stairs, he nodded. And we started our adventure to find 6 sleeping bags.

After fighting off falling crate's filled with torture device's of all kinds. But after enough searching we found a large box with a black and white sleeping bag, a large black one, a deep purple with a small red fade, one blue one with what looks like faded blood, there was a red one with a tint of yellow and blue, the last one at the bottom of the box was mine which was black with a single red stripe on the right and left side. 

"I'll take'em down stair's you pick out your outfit" Horror offered. "Alright" I hum my way back down the ladder. I'm half way down the hall almost to my door when I hear a loud thud then a cry for help. I bite my lip and continue walking pretending not to hear Horrors cries.

3rd P.O.V

Every one else went to their own room to find things to wear.

Meanwhile, the Star Sanses prepared food and games.

~Nother tem skip to Star Sanses house~

3rd P.O.V

They all arrived, and of course Horror invited Lust who gladly accepted. They were all in PJ's, Dream was in a yellow top with the words "Dreamy" written in white cursive, with yellow pajama bottom's, Blue had on a light gray shirt with the word's cool dude writen  in blue on the front. Ink had on a brown sweater with rainbow sleeves and 4 button's holding up his pant's. 

Horror was in his pale blue T-shirt in his regular short's, Dust wore a deep blue sweatshirt with a fade of gray at the bottom from the monster dust, with longer navy blue short's. Cross had on a white shirt with loose black pant's. Killer had on his faded blue bunny onesie which made Nightmare blush, who had on a completely back shirt with long back pant's. Error wore a red tank top and long fluffy crimson pant's. Lust had on a purple, losse shirt with the words sexy written in magenta on the back, with matching pants.

Multiple game's were played but then of course during truth or dare. "Cross I dare you" Killer crawled over and whisper in to Cross's 'ear', he blushed a rapid purple and crawled over to Dream. He slowly bit down on Dreams neck kissing it till he moaned. Nightmare gagged hearing his brother moan. Dream blushed a yellow brighter than the sun, Cross scooted away to his original spot. "Awwww" Ink cooed teasingly, Dust snorted, Nightmare continued gagging. 

"Uhh Du-Dust truth or dare" Cross stuttered, "I'm not gonna get trapped like you idiot's so truth" Dust smugly added. "Alight... would you fuck Blue" Cross smirked, everyone but those two snickered. "Uh- I we-well  gu-guess." Dust turned the deepest purple anyone's ever seen on him. "Yo-you guess" Blue's voice cracked on the brink of tear's. "WELL OF COURSE I DO BUT-" Dust cut himself off and stayed silent and put his head down, Blue smiled though. I chuckled reaching for the popcorn, "H-Horror truth or dare." 

Dust mumbled attempting to take all eye's off him, "Dare" Horror tossed some popcorn into his mouth. "I dare you to bite Nightmare's tentacle. Horror stood up with a creepy grin and instantly jumped at Nightmare with him axe attempting to cut or bite off a tentacle "Oww that hurt's you little shit!" Nightmare screeched attempting to throw Horror off of him. After a bit of struggling Nightmare flung Horror into Lust knocking them against the wall leaving a small dent and a splatter of blood. "Owww why me" Lust groaned from under Horror. After Horror rolled over and Lust flopped on top of him, they were both in to much pain to move. "Aww it't that cute" Error mocked from the other side of the room. They both blushed but only after a few minute's later did it fade. 

(Look's good to me!)

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