Chapter 8: Arithmancy Help

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 Picture of Déjà on the side ----------------------------->


(Ariella's POV)

Shit. Evangeline Ward, the bitchiest, meanest, sluttiest girl in Hogwarts, just promised me that she would make my life hell...and she was very good at keeping promises like that.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, feeling a wave of despair wash over me.

I had almost forgotten my two brothers were right beside me when one of them nudged me.. Kyle and Jake Frost. Both had straight brown hair and green eyes, with strong jaws and abs and nicely sculpted biceps to go along with their player reputation. They were also twins. Identical, might I add.

"Don't listen to Ward. She's all talk." Jake said, ruffling my hair.

I pushed his hand away, frowning. "Don't mess up my hair! You know Eve - she never breaks a promise and she hardly promises anything lightly and when she does, it's something serious!" I cried, exasperated with how calm my brothers were being after their baby sister just got threatened.

Kyle smiled at me. "Come on, Ria. We are Frosts. And the Frost family have been one of the most excellently skilled aurors and duellers for well-over a century, along with the Rosiers, Malfoys, and Vanderhooks." He boasted, drawing himself up to be taller and to make himself look righteous, he held his head up proudly.

Jake thumped him hard on the back, giving him a slight push so that Kyle almost toppled down. He caught himself on one of the benches behind us.

I cracked a small smile. "Anyways, I need to go and study. The Summoning Charm is just not working for me." I told my brothers.

"Well, if you need us, or if Ward bothers you again, just call us."

"Will do."

I gave my brothers a hug and continued down toward the Black Lake, where the downy Beech tree was located. It seemed to me that we were beginning to spend our days down upon the shore of the lake.

Shrugging it aside, I clambered down the steps. I could here the sound of water lapping gently against the bank of the Black Lake before I even saw it. I could also hear something else, too - whistling, maybe?

Curious as to see who it was, I slowly crept behind one of the dark, thick, multi-branched trees. The whistling was clearer now and I turned my head to peer out.

There was a long figure leaning against the tree, their body structure made them out to be a male. I could see messy golden-blonde hair, as if he had run his hair through it multiple times throughout the day. My heart fluttered.

I only saw him once, but I knew whose hair that belonged to.

Kaden Malfoy.

I hitched in a breath and blew it silently out. I walked on and found myself looking into those gorgeous emerald eyes.

 "Hey," I tried to say casually, while internally battling the rage of butterflies were giving me.

"We meet again, Ariella." He smiled.

I couldn't help but give a small smile, willing my cheeks to not redden.

Déjà, Kaden's German Shepherd, lifted her head off her paws and regarded me curiously. After probably sensing I wasn't an enemy or bad person, she got up and stepped over Kaden's legs to walk over to me. She licked my hand and I bent down to ruffle her ears.

"Seems like Déjà likes you." Kaden mused.

A look of bliss came over Déjà's face as she sat on all fours and closed her eyes, her mouth seemingly curled up in what I supposed was the dog version of a smile and rolled out her long tongue.

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