Chapter 7: Oh...Fiddlesticks....

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"Come on, Dev, open it!" Ariella and Nattie pestered Devon over the shoulder as the brunette held the note it her hands curiously. "Come on, Dev!"

"Yeah, open it. We really want to see what's inside!"

"Oh, shut up, both of you." Devon snapped. "It's addressed to me and not to you. It's my business and I'll decide when I should open it and if I should show you or not." She turned the white, triangle-folded note in her hands.

Natalie quirked an eyebrow. "Well, why wouldn't you show us? We're your best friends."

Devon just rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe it's private and whoever wrote it might not want it being seen by others, did you ever think of that?" She moved her hands to her back, concealing the note and moving it out of reach when Natalie tried to grasp it.

"You could still tell us."

"Yeah, maybe later--ARIELLA!!" Devon squealed as she felt fingers at her sides, tickling her. Ariella was behind her, tickling away much to Devon's extreme annoyance. She barely realised the note being yanked out of her hands as she resumed to twist and shift violently with uncontrollable laughter, kicking her feet and thrashing her arms.

Once Ariella had grasped the note, she immediately stopped tickling Devon. She panted and stood up from the ground, adjusting her top and hair, sending a 'you-are-so-dead' look to her.

"Ooh la la, vat is zis?" Ariella mimicked in a bad imitation of a French woman as she teasingly opened the note.

"What does it say?" Natalie asked eagerly, holding Devon back as she tried to claw the letter back from Ella the same time as Devon growled, "It means 'oh dear', idiot."

Ignoring Devon, Ella proceeded to read the note but before she could, Devon wrung it from her and read it quickly. A silly grin started to form on her face, her bright hazel eyes widening.

"I HAVE A DATE TOMORROW!!!" She yelled loudly, her voice containing hyper giddiness, waving her arms around. The letter drifted out of her hands and floated to the ground but not before Nattie pinched it.

Her hazel eyes scanned it and smiled as she read the last words of it:

I can't wait to see you tomorrow!


Devon wandered about the Room of Requirement, trailing her fingers over the arms of the loveseat and twirling about on the carpet in a lovesick manner.

A little creeped out to see her friend acting all girly, Ariella said one of the things the Dev hated. "You should wear a pretty dress and style your hair for your date! Ooh, let's try on dresses!"

As predicted, Devon made a retching noise and wrinkled her face. "I don't need to dress up. Dresses and makeup and girly stuff are waaayy too overrated." She stuck her tongue out. "If George likes me the way I am right now, then I don't need to dress up."


After finishing her steak and kidney pie, Ariella waited patiently for Devon and Natalie to finish up their lunch, but the duo were in no mood to hurry up.

"Just go on without us. Meet us at that beech tree near the Black Lake. You know the tree, right?" Natalie told Ariella, too focused on her food and what her Ravenclaw friend was saying to even look at Ariella.

Ariella simply nodded and bid adieu until later to her friends. She stood up, dusted off any crumbs that would have fallen on her, and scooped up her Charms and Care of Magical Creature books.

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