Chapter 5: Déjà and Kaden Malfoy

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  • Dedicated to Tayla who created the humpable Kaden and cute Deja!

Chapter 5: Déjà and Kaden Malfoy

As Kaden Malfoy heaved his body out of his comfortable bed, he groaned as he felt a rush of dizziness overcome him. He staggered into the joined bathroom and peered into the mirror. Beads of sweat lined his forehead as he took a moment to collect himself.

He turned the shower knob, stripped of his clothes and stepped inside, sighing as the hot water hit his skin.


Kaden surveyed himself infront of the mirror when he stepped out. The steam had subsided which let him see his well-defined features. Emerald green eyes, very unusual for a Malfoy (most had silver blue or ice grey eyes), took their time trailing down his figure, lingering on the water droplets wandering down his abs and melting into the white, soft, cottony towel.

He smirked as the beads of water dripped down past his v-line. He knew he looked good. He was practically considered a Sex God at the Durmstrang Institute, then again, almost all Malfoys were.

Sure, his relatives were normally pale and had platinum-blond hair but Kaden...Kaden was the exceptional opposite.

Working in the sun without a shirt blessed him with flawless sunkissed skin and goldish dirty blond hair. Kaden let his eyes go back to his face. He had high cheekbones and a strong jaw that made girls itch to trail kisses along his jaw. His lips, bare, were formed in a heart-wrenching smirk.

He opened a small case and inside was a single snakebite ring piercing, silver and metal. Kaden picked it up and effortlessly slid into place on the right on his lower lip. He checked that his right eyebrow piercing was still in place.

He trailed his fingertips over the small Celtic cross tattoo to the right of his chest. He had gotten it when touring the ancient castle of the Rock of Cashel and the Newgrange in Ireland. He had grown up hearing myths about the Celtic and Gaelic era in Irish history and loved all the stories about it so much.

He sighed as he tousled his now dried hair and played with his snakebite ring in the mirror. One of his friends had gotten a snakebite piercing the year before and whenever he played with it when he was flirting with girls, they were literally begging him to take them. They were apparently great flirting tools. Kaden smirked as he remembered his friend's words to him when he got it done:

Play with your snakebite while your all hot and sexy and flirting with your desired girl and then BOOM!!! She's practically already spreading her legs.

Kaden let out a content sigh at the idea that he would get to bed all the girls at Hogwarts. He got dressed in his Slytherin robes and walked out of his very own private dorm with confidence plastered hard on his handsome face.


Ariella groaned as she struggled to sit up against the headboard of her scarlet bed and she raised a hand to her throbbing throat.

"Are you you ok, Ariella?" Tayla Tatiana asked, a girl with sylish black Prada glasses with a silver thorn and rose design on the side. She had secured her frizzish curly brown hair (which looked suspiciously like a dark, dark black-purple colour to Ariella) and was already in her uniform, looking geeky as ever as she smartly tied her tie.

Ella grimaced as she tried to speak but settled for shaking her head grimly. "I...think I might..euh...swallowed one too many Bertie Bott's Beans and Liquorice Wands last night. You know how...ahem...sore my throat gets when I eat way too much."

Tayla nodded and went to wake up Polly Calter, her best friend who was also called Crackers. She was tan and from New Zealand. Her silky, long dark brown hair was most coveted by almost all the girls who had curly hair or straight hair with split ends with a rough feeling.

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