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                   Skip time to Friday

Kairi's pov
So my room was finally ready, it's big, well not as much as Mattia's, but enough for me. It has a huge window on the opposite wall where my bed was. There's a connected bathroom where you can enter by my room and by the hall.

Mattia and I didn't really talked the pass week. Sometimes he made some jokes that I didn't even understand, I just laughed like if I understood it. Or sometimes when I was eating he would look at me intensely. I don't know why. If he's that hungry he just can make food for himself.

Anyway, I just woke up, "Ughhh" I grunt getting up to choose my outfit. I don't feel like putting too much effort on it so I just went for some grey sweat pants and a orange hoodie. I immediately went into the shower. I washed my hair thinking about tonight's party. The one at Ale's. Alvaro is willing to compromise his evening to come with me but he begged me to choose my outfit. I'm a little stressed, Mattia is Alejandro's friend and since i can't be seen near them, I need to be extremely careful. If he sees me near them he'll "PuNiSh" me  I don't know why it's that big of a deal for him but I still don't want to see the punishment. In my memory punishments are  painful or not very fun sooo.

               Skip to the end of the class(day)

When I heard the bell ring I let out a sigh of relief. Alvaro will come over to help me to get ready.

We were finally home. We got in and we ran to the kitchen we were starving. We brought a bag of chips upstairs, and talked. I let my phone downstairs because I don't need it and I forgot it. My lazy ass don't want to go there just for my cellphone.

Mattia's pov
Alvaro and Kai went upstairs they look pretty excited  I don't know why. I heard a cellphone ring, it's not mine, it's probably Kairi's. He is receiving a lot of messages.. I got up from the couch, looking if his door is closed, it was. I opened his phone to see who the person was. I'm going to kill him, how did he even get his number? This made my blood boil.

Hey princesa, the party's starting at 7

Do you need a ride ?

Call me if you need one cutie


Should kairi be PuNiShEd by Big Boy Mattia in the next chapter?

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