𝐭𝐰𝐨. suspicions

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THE CLUELESS EMILIA FROM THE MORNING who had thought that being late for school and walking in on the ruins that used to be her friend group, had no idea what was coming for her. And, she had no idea what a truly catastrophic plot twist in the script of her life was.

"Joder, Samu! We're not gonna break up because of Guzmán's stupid mafia impersonations!"

Samuel just stared at her sorrowfully. They were sitting on the stairs in front of his apartment - he didn't even invite her in, as if her merely occupying his space was too much - and Emilia already felt tears rising to her eyes.

"Emilia, he fucking beat me up. He's not gonna stop. I'd never forgive myself if I dragged you into this and you got hurt."

"Joder! You just don't get that I want to be with you through this mess! I wanna help you!"

"What's gonna help me the most will be if you stay out of it," Samuel said quietly, not daring to look at Emilia's damp cheeks. "Emilia, it doesn't matter. We hadn't seen each other the whole summer, and now, it's not like we can really see each other with my job. It's not gonna change a thing-"

Emilia laughed bitterly, the tears tangy in her voice. "Yeah, right. Except you don't even want to speak to me to protect me from Guzmán. You don't get that I need you?"

"Emilia-" Samuel trailed off, gave her a look, and in that split-second, Emilia understood.

He was suspecting her. Not too much - but the idea had crossed his mind.

Emilia couldn't blame him.

"Just come with me to the party. Please. I'll show you that there's nothing to worry about, I'll try to talk to Guzmán and it'll be fine," she pleaded desperately, staring at Samuel with teary Bambi eyes that caused his angles to soften and his lips to breathe out a puff of air.

"Okay," he hesitantly agreed. "But promise me that you'll get away from me if things start getting dangerous."

Emilia snorted to hide her anxiety. With how the events had been cascading, she had a much higher probability that at the end of the night, Samuel would be even less convinced. What options did she have, though? None. "You're so dramatic. We're not in a gang fight."

"Almost," he didn't miss a beat. "Emilia," he cupped her cheeks and the girl felt as if his dark caramelly eyes were extracting her soul and examining all that she had been holding up inside, quickening her breath. "I just want you to be safe. And as far away from this mess as possible."

Too late, Emilia thought after saying her goodbye and pecking his lips. She was already much too deep in.

𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now