𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. exposé

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EMILIA DREADED GOING TO SCHOOL on Monday so much that her body actually fell into sound, dreamless and deep sleep just in order to prevent her from it. Unfortunately, it seemed to forget about one important fact: her father was back home.

After the stunt she pulled, she would've expected him to be on business as often as possible, but he moved back into the house. It was reasonable in the aspect that she definitely needed someone to look after her; however, he wasn't even telling her any rules most of the time. They didn't really speak.

Emilia still found it better than him being away, which came as a surprise even to herself. One would say that living away from your father whom you have utterly disappointed would be the clearly better choice, but as his hand on her back in the morning testified to, it was much better to have a disappointed parent than none.

"Wake up. You're gonna be late."

With Otto's voice over her, Emilia was up in no time. His gaze wasn't particularly emotionally expressive in any direction; for her, it was like winning an Oscar.

"Dad," she started for the millionth of times, "I'm really, really sorry."

Otto left the room briskly, but didn't slam the door. Even though everything was in an infinitely worse state than a month ago, Emilia felt much more secure and safe due to her father's presence.

Not that going from extremely anxious about everything to terribly anxious about everything was a jackpot. One that Emilia wouldn't enjoy for long, though; stepping into the classroom, she saw Carla speak to Polo and Lu practically elbowed her when she went to hang her coat with the fakest apology on Earth. (What was her problem now? Was she regretting giving Emilia her notes? Emilia was, for once, prepared for their test.)

Nevertheless, that still wouldn't have brought her back to her absolutely tragic anxiety levels if Nano didn't walk through the door.

Now, she was back where she started. She felt like throwing up, but since that was her usual state, she didn't pay much attention to it; sprinting to the bathroom a minute later as a fight broke out and spitting out acid, saliva and blood, Emilia understood that what was coming for her was much worse than she could've imagined.

"Polo. We need to talk."

As everyone else was busy dissing Rebeka's Halloween party, gossiping about Nano, trying to calm down Guzmán, or, in Samuel's case, desperately staring out of the window and attracting unwanted glances, Emilia had a different problem. One that she decided to solve during the afternoon break, after she'd spent the entire lunch contemplating what would happen if the truth came out under these circumstances.

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