𝐬𝐢𝐱. study group

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WAKING UP WAS EVEN LESS PLEASANT than normal. Emilia's head felt explosive and her stomach was desperately churning, eating itself alive. If she was supposed to write an exam in this state-

"Buen día," another one of her problems announced himself. Emilia pulled her blanket over her head and groaned desparately.

"Someone's not a morning person," Valerio uttered sarcastically. "I thought at least seeing my beautiful face would be a reason to start the day with a smile."

The complete opposite, Emilia thought. God, she was painstakingly stupid. Drug consumption? Check. Did not study at all? Check. Was about to be late for an exam? Check, as the look on her phone affirmed.

Sex with a drug dealer? Check.

"About that," she forced herself to come into the bright light and glare at Valerio, dressed in just his boxers, unbothered that they had to be at school in twenty minutes. "Could you not tell anyone about yesterday?"

A wave of relief took over Valerio, but he had to play appearance for at least a little bit. "Are you ashamed of me?" he pouted.

"No, of myself," she groaned.

"Great. Now, that's even better," he remarked ironically. He had no interest in Lu finding out about his fucks with their classmate, but that didn't mean Emilia's words didn't burn a little.

"It's just that Samuel and I broke up so recently and I really don't need to have a reputation of a local whore," the blonde grumbled. "It has nothing to do with you; I would just appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about this. Por favor."

"Your wish is my command, amor," Valerio joked. The word burned in his throat, which was utterely ridiculous - he wasn't betraying Lu, or at least no more than she was betraying him.

"Let's go," Emilia pushed him off the bed lightly and he chuckled. "Downstairs, ten minutes. You can use the guest bathroom to make this quicker. It's the second door on the left from here."

Valerio saluted and vanished, Emilia picked up her phone and walked towards her own bathroom, feeling resigned, if anything. Her major problem was the hangover accentuated by the weird combination with weed; Valerio was just a drunken mistake and the test didn't matter - she had nobody to please. She opened her whatsapp, intending to check out their class group for pictures of notes to put in the slightest effort at the eleventh hour.

Carla's conversation was on the top of the list.

Drunkenly (and stoned-ly) texting her best fr- Carla, to warn her that her ex-boyfriend was suspecting her of murder, and unlike Emilia, wasn't going to let it go?

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