𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞. masquerade

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"WHAT ARE YOU GOING AS to the party?"

"Nothing, Ander. I'm not going."

"Why?" Her curly-haired deskmate seemed genuinely confused, making Emilia wonder about the elligibility of the theory that all guys were mentally delayed.

"Because I'd rather avoid all of the judgment concentrated into one place, thank you very much."

"Emilia," Ander huffed, "Trust me, nobody cares about your affair with Valerio. With Nano coming back, you're not the hottest gossip."

"I'd rather not be the second-hottest either," Emilia spat out indignantly, but Ander grinned.

"Right. Don't worry, you'll be the hottest if you come to the party."

Emilia chuckled amusedly and let her head fall on Ander's shoulder. "Thanks. I'll think about it."

In reality, she wasn't really that concerned about people's judgement; sure, the gazes were uncomfortable, but didn't phase her too much. Her true reasoning lay with the fact that Valerio didn't even ask her whether she was okay after his sister's outburst.

It hurt.

It hurt even more than the fact that Carla didn't give a shit, either. She guessed they really were officially strangers, and as convenient as that was with the new turn of events, Emilia hated every second of it.

The actual reason why Emilia might not come to the party turned into a much more pragmatic one: she really didn't have a good costume.

Her limited options were: a mermaid in a weird purple-blue-green sparkly dress, an angel which was just embarrassing, or her only actual costume: Christine from Phantom of the Opera. The dress was beautiful and custom-made for one of her father's high-class dress-up balls in Germany, but it was very over the top and she didn't have the correct hair colour and no wigs at her dispension.

"Honey? Can I come in?"

Honey, Emilia thought. Fascinating.

"Hello, dad."

"Are you going somewhere?"

"To this halloween party one of my classmates is throwing. Is that a problem? I mean," she coughed, "I won't go if it is."

"No, go have fun. I was actually going to ask you to go out, act normal, because everything is perfectly under control," Otto's gaze ticked over the assortment of dresses on the girl's bed. "I like the white one."

"Okay," Emilia nodded, thinking she could do at least that for her dad when she had been a daughter straight from a nightmare. "Thanks, dad, I'll wear it."

𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now