𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧. vengeance

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AFTER DELIVERING THE NEWS of her triumph to her father, the gala turned into the blandest, most boring kind of torture. Emilia roamed through the seas of dressed up people, her champagne flute in hand, and tried to find someone she knew who wasn't Cayetana, Polo, Lu, or in the presence of neither of those people.

This was a much harder quest than her spy mission. Emilia was about to say screw it and get drunk, to celebrate her success and make the boredom bearable, but a glimpse of a well-known figure stopped her.

She was feeling gracious after her accomplishment - and who said that people didn't deserve second chances?


It was the day of awkward cheek kisses and surprise shows of affection, but Emilia didn't really care. "You came! Finally, I'm dying here!"

"It's the most boring thing ever, that's for sure," Carla nodded after a quick evaluation of her options. "God, I actually feel bad for the kids in developing countries being used to propagate this shit."

Emilia grinned. "Champagne?" Carla accepted and took a sip. "I miss you."

"Yeah, me-"

"Emilia. I need to talk to you."

"Ander, is it-"

"Now. Please."

Emilia gave Carla an apologetic smile and let her keep the drink, being dragged by Ander to the bannister. "What's wrong?"

"Everything. I'm going absolutely insane," he said without a trace of emotion. "Yesterday, Polo, Guzmán and I went out, and Polo was laughing and everything seems so easy for him and it just kinda hit me how fucked up this all is-"

"Ander, look at me, okay? It's fine. Everything is fine and it will get better, maybe sooner than you think. Just hang in there, vale? Do you wanna get a few drinks?"

"I'm gonna need them to face Guzmán," he shook his head slowly. "Fucking shit, Emilia-"

"It's gonna be fine. I promise," Emilia assured firmly, squeezing Ander's hand. "Really. Now, let's get a tiny bit tipsy. This party is the most uneventful event ever."

"Right," Ander chuckled grimly. "One would say that Lucrecia would have added a bit more flair to this."

"We're gonna have to make our own fun," Emilia grinned, grabbing Ander's hand. "Look at that guy. See what he's doing?"

"Talking to a wait- Oh! He's slipping him his number!" Ander noticed, grinning. "Now, that was smooth-"

"And that's his wife over there," Emilia tilted her head in the direction of an overweight woman in a very pompous, canary-yellow dress. "My dad knows them. He swears that everybody knows about Felipe's secret affairs, except for her."

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