𝐭𝐞𝐧. chaos

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IT SEEMED TO BE AN ESSENTIAL part of Emilia's morning routine to wake up with regret. Waking up in Valerio's room was, on the scale of the awakenings of the past few weeks, somewhere in the middle. At least it was Saturday.

"Val? Is anybody home?"

"Don't call me that," echoed from under the blankets. "And I don't know. What, are you so scared of my parents that you're gonna climb down the drainpipe?

"I'd just prefer not to run into your sister," the blonde sighed defeatedly, throwing her pulsing head back and trying desperately to ignore the deadly battle taking place in her stomach. "So, could you go check?"

"Sure," Valerio got up shakily, pale and gray. As much as he didn't want to get up, experiencing the same issues as Emilia, there were two of them that didn't want her to run into his sister.

Valerio didn't dissect his feelings and preferences; there was already enough of a mess in his brain as it was. Still, the fact was, Lu and Emilia's meeting wouldn't be good for anyone.

"All clear," he returned to the room, whispering mischeviously. Emilia was sitting on his bed in her underwear and staring out of the window dully. "No dangerous witches or evil kings on the way."

"Vale," Emilia nodded, searching for her clothes in the foot of thed and pulling her top over her head. She got up, slid into her jeans and walked over to the boy. "Valerio?"


"Thanks for yesterday," she whispered, fixing their eyes together. He could drown in hers. "Really."

She pecked his lips and went, leaving Valerio taken off-guard with chaos in his head and a weird fluttering in his stomach, one that relieved the nausea slightly.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

Getting back home, washing and sleeping off her comedown slightly, Emilia had to face her real problems once again. At the present time, the one that seemed the smallest and with the greatest potential of being resolved was to find a new hiding spot for her incriminating evidence.

However, the pen drive had apparently taken the search for a safe place to settle in into its own hands (holes?). Emilia couldn't find it for anything.

She had gone through every corner of her room twice, walked into the garden, checked the kitchen and the living room where she hadn't even gone. However, after three hours of her efforts in vain, she had to conclude that the thing wasn't at her house.

Rationally, she sat on her bed and started crying.

How could she be so stupid? The worst thing was, she didn't even remember where she'd put it or where she'd seen it last. She'd had the feeling that it was in her bedside table, but apparently not. She checked every drawer four times, looked in the small gap between the thing and the wall and the bed, she went into her sheets. Nothing.

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