𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. seduction

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EMILIA'S FIRST GRADE IN CHEMISTRY for the year was a five. A sharp sting of unreasonable hatred towards Guzmán, who was her lab partner (she wasn't sure how that happened - if Guzmán was with her because he wanted a good grade, she clearly didn't deliver), went through her body. As if there was anyone who would be disappointed in her for getting bad grades; anyway, it seemed that Guzmán and her could pretty much split the blame for the unsatisfactory result, looking at the corrections. Not that the boy was interested; he had other problems.

Namely, Lu, who was scolding him and Valerio for their irresponsible ways and a pathetic video. Emilia agreed with her, they were definitely out of control.

All she wanted to do was join them and forget about that stupid, fucking, omnipresent mix of anxiety, guilt, solitude and pain.

"If you'd actually worked on your part. Where is your head?"

Another pair on the other side of the classroom was having similar problems as Lu and Valerio and Emilia and Guzmán. The blonde had been sneakily spying on Samuel the whole lesson. He looked - well, tired. As always.

"In the Soto del Real prison. That's where it is."

Emilia quickly dropped her gaze to her lab report, then flipped it over so that she wouldn't have to see the ugly five sitting in the corner, and flashed her table buddies a smile. "Are you going to the party tomorrow?"

"My father had a stroke," Nadia scolded Samuel loudly, making it impossible for Emilia to forget about his existence, the glances he kept shooting at Carla and also his friendship with Rebeka. God, Emilia wanted to choke her. "Do you think it's easy for me to study?"

"Obviously," Guzmán grinned at Emilia, his smile too wide, cramping. "I can't leave my buddy Valerio alone, huh?"

Lu sighed indignantly and shoved her report with a six into her purse. "I think it'd be best if you left him alone."

"You're such a buzzkil, lucky for you that I love you," Valerio grinned and then turned away from the irritated Lu. "What, princess? Is our presence a decisive factor? Because I assure you, I'll be there, since I'm the organizer-"

Emilia didn't pay attention to Valerio's flirty jokes nor Lu's annoyed scoffs; since the boy had called her princess, her gaze had gone to Carla and stayed there. The girl was absently playing with her phone on the other side of the classroom and looked blatantly disinterested in everything around her.

The princess was the last straw for Emilia: she had been having jitters ever since she saw Carla and Polo argue in the hallway before class, secretive and tense. Then Samuel's amateur investigation attempts that he didn't even bother to disguise, to make matters worse, with that fucking choni, and now this.

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