𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞. forever

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ON THE LAST DAY OF THE CHRISTMAS holidays, Emilia fidgeted with her phone and finally found the courage to press the profile picture she had been staring at everytime she opened her whatsapp, for the entirety of the two weeks. It was sort of stupid that it took her so long, because as the eighth ring passed, she realized that all of that hesitance was for nothing.

Until- "Hi."

"Hola," Emilia stuttered, already having given up.

Silence took over both sides of the phone, with the blonde biting her cheek and wondering what the hell she was doing. "Are you okay?"

Perhaps it was clumsy and out of place, but the loud sigh from the other side of the phone didn't seem to be directed at Emilia's conversationalistic weaknesses. "Not really."

"Is your dad- Did Samuel- Do you know if Polo- I mean-" Emilia stuttered, finding each question worse than the previous one.

"Everything is hell and it couldn't be worse," Carla admitted shakily. "I don't want to go there."

"It will be fine," the girl tried weakly, unable to imagine a worse position than Carla's current one. At least Polo was locked up away from biting teenagers; Carla would have to face them tomorrow.

"We both know it won't," Carla retorted dully. Emilia could imagine the swirl of pain in her green eyes. "Why did you call me, Emilia?" The blonde added after another eternal pause.

"To tell you that I'm not mad at you anymore," Emilia exhaled with difficulty, feeling her eyes sting again. "And - I don't know. To thank you. To apologize."

Carla opened her mouth, but no words came out. Emilia couldn't see that anyway.

"You sacrificed yourself for Samuel," she stated the obvious, which still sent shivers down both of their spines. "You threw yourself under the bus for him, and you didn't drag me down with you. I never would've been brave enough or unselfish enough to do that."

"Yeah," Carla mused bitterly. "And look where that got me. I lost everything, and it was just a game-"

"You didn't lose me," Emilia whispered. "If anything, you got me back."

The muffled cry from the other side of the phone mixed with her own.

"Right," Carla sniffled after ten seconds. "Thank you, Emilia."

"See you at school?"

There was a smile under Carla's pain. "Yeah."

The hug Emilia pulled Carla into the next day in the hallway (following Guzmán and Samuel's suit) wasn't particularly strategical considering the fact that it was practically an admission of guilt, but Carla smiled into Emilia's shoulder and it felt kind of worth it. Especially since most people probably knew that she knew, anyway.

"Thanks. Friends?"

"Friends," Emilia affirmed.

Maybe everything would be okay, Carla was allowed to think for exactly two and a half seconds, joyful despite everything at the reconciliation with her best friend.

Then, Polo Benavent Villada stepped through the door.

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