𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧. dangerous

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THE ONLY REASON WHY EMILIA went to school after the weekend was to see Ander. If she didn't deperately need to make sure that he was okay, she would've buried herself under the blankets and never came out.

"Good morning," Otto greeted her in the hallway and Emilia sighed. It was the shittiest morning ever, she looked dead, and didn't have the motivation to change it.

"Anything wrong?"

"No, dad, everything is okay," Emilia's forceful happiness was indignantly badly acted. "Just- Are you working on getting it resolved with Polo?"

"Of course, darling. Don't worry about it," her father kissed the girl's forehead, but Emilia knew what of course in this tone meant.

"Dad, please, deal with it fast. I think he's dangerous, he should-"

"Darling, stay out of it, okay? I'll deal with the problems. You just worry about school and your friends. Do you have another party this week?"

"No," Emilia shook her head refusedly. "Dad, just-"

"I'm dealing with it. Now, go get ready and get in the car."

Emilia wanted to mumble that she was ready, but after a second glance in the mirror, she reconsidered the percentage of depression that should be visible on her face.

From hundred to none.

It was necessary to show Valerio what he'd lost.

"Emilia, cari, can we talk?"

"I don't have anything to say to you," the blonde answered as calmly as possible. "Let me go, I have to go talk to someone."

"You know, at the party-"

"You were about to fuck Valerio, got it," Emilia turned around from her locker and smiled fakely, ignoring the venom that spread in her throat after she pronounced the words. "At least it explains your possessiveness over your brother. You were jealous."

"Half-brother. And honey, you are misunderstanding the situation completely! I was really drunk and sad about Guzmán-"

"So you started to make out with your brother," Emilia finished, quite enjoying the tensed-up look on Lu's face and the forceful grip over her wrist, clenching harder. "I don't think it needs further explanations, Lucercia."

"What do I have to do so that you won't tell anyone?" Lu whispered urgently, her eyes ticking feverishly between all the parts of Emilia that the brunette undoubtedly thought could use her help.

𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now