𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧. declarations

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═════════ 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.

IN MANY LANGUAGES, there is a proverb that states that people will try to avoid making the same mistake twice. Whether the metaphor builds on burnt children dreading the fire or stepping feet into rivers, the notion is clear enough. An intelligent being should learn from their errors.

Emilia was obviously very unintelligent. Stepping foot into Barceló the night before her Literature exam to look for a boy who had, without either of them realizing, broken her heart. To buy drugs. With her father at home.

She had to get a drink at home before she even gathered the courage to come to the club; it was horrible on its own that Valerio and their confrontation were making her nervous, she didn't have to embarrass herself by actually admitting to it.


"Hi," she immediately got out her money. "Just give me the pill."

She couldn't look into his face because his curls, his jawline and his Bambi eyes would inevitably throw her off track; so she concentrated on the rage, pulsing in her veins just because of his presence.

"Would your boyfriend like that?" Valerio uttered, not trusting himself to look at the blonde, either.

"¿Que?" Now, the eye-contact was inevitable; their furious, raging eyes locked. Fire and ice; neither was dropping the challenge.

"You're right. The waiter and his cub fights with Guzmán are more your level. You tried so hard not to be the perfect, pristine princess-"

Emilia grabbed Valerio's hand with her banknote still in it and pushed herself up un her tiptoes, feeling both of their jagged breaths reflecting off each other.

"Stop calling me princess."

This could end in two ways. Emilia wasn't sure which one of them she liked less.

"-I just thought you could handle me. But I guess I was just too much for you."

"You were too much for me because you are fucking your sister," Emilia's nails dug into Valerio's skin.

He leaned in. The smell of alcohol was evident.

"Fuck off," Emilia's hand met with Valerio's cheek. He only budged slightly, eyes fluttering open in surprise, but his reaction time was slowed by the mix of alcohol and whatever else he had taken. "I don't want you, Valerio, I never did. The days of you having two easy fucks are over. Go to your sister if you're horny."

𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now