𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲. weak link

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THE CHRISTMAS PARTY MIGHT AS WELL have been called a Meeting Of The Messed Up Club. Emilia had seriously considered getting high, ignoring her dad and everything (and everyone) else, especially the miserable company - the fidgety Carla, wasted Ander, oblivious Guzmán, absolutely relaxed Polo - but Valerio wasn't present.

Fortunately. Had he been, Emilia would've done a million more stupid things than sip drinks by the chain.

"Cheer up! It's Christmas!"

"Samuel's poster is on the door but everyone's dancing. What the fuck are we doing?"

Emilia gulped down a half of her fifth glass and took a step nearer. It might have been the alcohol speaking, but Carla seemed like she was going to cry.

"Getting drunk," Polo answered densely.

"Some more than others," Carla observed heavily, her gaze landing, fortunately, on Ander and not Emilia strategically positioned behind the shaky blonde, slowly but surely on her way to the same clumsily dancing and hugging state as the curly-haired boy.

Emilia cut off her eavesdropping session and got another drink without having to wait in the line (or pay) by flashing a bit of extra cleavage, contently emptied half the glass and went to set it down on their table, when Carla's voice, somehow high-pitched yet toned down at the same time, invaded her hazy cloud of thoughts with its desperation.

"Is this living?"

No, a sober Emilia would've thought.

The only clear sentence Emilia's brain could muster in this state, was: Surprisingly, Carla is the weak link.

And even her last conscious thought was washed down by alcohol a few seconds later. It was truly a good thing that Lu and Valerio weren't there; Emilia would probably throw herself at the boy irregardless of his sister sweetheart's presence.

What if she was going colosally crazy? It was a fitting response to the circumstances.

The only one more proper reaction was Ander's passing out.

The world was unraveling in insane, hypnotic spirals. Emilia could only watch them flash in front of her eyes in neon colours, making her dizzy and nauseous.

She wasn't even hungover the next day at school. Her body seemed to have stopped perpetuating normal responses, physical and emotional.

Emilia couldn't sit next to Ander, shaky and devoid of any effort to make everything seem like it was okay. He was dragging her down, faltering her weak intention to repeat that she knew nothing if she were to be called for an interrogation for the third time.

𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now