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Everything has changed . . .

Oct 3, 2014 , 4:58 AM

A panic attack with hopelessness and nonsense negative thoughts and a sudden reminder of "someone" and another sudden reminder of how lonely I am.

Oct 11, 2014 , 8:45 PM

Absence of inner peace may kill your little heart and turns it to that broken hollowed-out heart shaped box you're living with now.

Nov 6, 2014 , 12:09 PM

What doesn't kill you makes you wanna die but eventually, you'll get stronger and not afraid of running any risk because you've the capability.

Nov 8, 2014 , 3:02 AM

I hate the fact that forever isn't always forever, there is no forever. It is just a lie. You always lose someone you love either by death, problems or even a disease. You're too lucky if you find the loyal person and die before them. Being "too lucky" rarely happens but who are we to know what future holds?!

Nov 12, 2014 , 2:54 PM

Don't think in a normalized way. Discover the undefined and regret nothing but what you missed while blinking.

Maybe I found myself. Maybe?

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