Jotaro Kujo; Best-friends Dad.

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Sorry if the progression of this one is kind of choppy. I had ideas but didnt really know how to format them all together but, nevertheless I still like this enough to post. Pt2 might be a lemon, but I may be able to fit another regular part in and have a pt3! We'll see🥰 

The loud popping of the bubblegum in your best-friends mouth filled your ears, as you patiently waited on the curb outside of your University, suitcases in hand. 

"I wish he'd hurry up," She grumbled. "He sure is taking his sweet time, doesn't matter that its 90° degrees out. Good ol' dad." 

"I'm sure he'll be here soon, Jo," You scratched the back of your neck, uncomfortably. "I hope."

"You know how he drives, (Y/n). We'll probably be here for another hour even though he said he was ten minutes away-," she cut herself off. "Well, looky there. I was wrong, there he is." As if on cue, Mr. Kujo's 2019 Black Subaru pulled into vision. 

"Thank god." She said, almost sarcastically, and with no hesitation, before he could fully park- she had waltzed over and popped the trunk, tossing her suitcase in. 

"Someones in a hurry." Mr. Kujo said from the driver's seat, flicking his sunglasses up to peak from the rear-view mirror. 

"Yeah, its fucking hot, incase you havent noticed." 

You slipped your suitcase into the trunk as well and Jolyne slammed it shut. "Language." Mr. Kujo drilled. 

"I'm Nineteen. You can't language me anymore." She rolled her eyes. 
"I can, and I will until I die." 

"Can you hurry up, then?."

"Watch it, kid."

You mentally seethed. Off to a great start! Jolyne opened the backdoor and slid in, and you followed foot. When the door closed behind you, all was silent. 

Jolyne snorted. "Say Hi, Dad. Geez."

"Hi." His voice was stone-cold, and it sent chills up your spine. "Hey, Mr. Kujo." You gave a little wave. 

"Awkwardddd," Jo pulled her hair up into a short ponytail and sighed dramatically. "Dad, turn up the radio so we can pretend you aren't here."

"Nice to have you back, Jolyne." Mr. Kujo groaned, sarcastically, as he flicked the volume dial up with his thumb and index finger. 

As the music blared through the car, your muscles relaxed. Boy, you really hoped the whole vacation wasnt like that. You knew how Mr. Kujo was, and you tried not to take it personally, believe me- but, it always seemed just like, he didn't like you. His whole demeanor would change whenever you entered a room- it was always like he was trying to get out of it. This struck you as odd, though, because according to Jolyne, he was the one to suggest bringing you on their yearly trip to the Cook Islands. Of course, you were gonna come anyway- but, he had mentioned it first, Jolyne said. 
You hoped this meant after many years, he was finally going to start warming up to you. But with this beginning, you couldn't tell. Only time would. 

The car ride to Mr. Kujo's place was quiet, other than the radio of course. And it was quiet when he pulled into the driveway, and it was quiet when you all got out. 

"So, how early do we have to be up, again?." Jolyne asked, slicing the stiff silence in half. "Eight A.M, sharp."

"That's not too bad."

Mr. Kujo twisted the key into the lock of the front door, and pushed it open. You and Jo rolled your luggage into the house, which hadn't changed since the last time you saw it. 

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