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There are multiple earths in this universe. The other earths are aware of each other except earth 1. The other earth council felt like the people of Earth 1 couldn't handle the knowledge of other earths. All the earths are connected through the subconscious which is why people on Earth 1 get déjà vu. Things are happening on other earths and they see or feel it for just a few seconds.

On earth one Toni is getting ready to marry Kenny but before she can get to the alter, she passes out due to an aneurysm she doesn't die she slips into a coma. She wakes up in the body of her earth 2 counterpart where she's married to Janet Jackson, they've been married for ten years and have 2 kids and one on the way. On earth one Toni's brain activity is going crazy because she's awake on Earth 2. We pick up our story the day of the wedding.

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