Chapter 2: Typical Taxi Ride

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They were barely out of the taxi zone, when Elevena suddenly froze and whirled around. Somehow, when she wasn't paying attention, two teens that looked about her age got into the cab. She poked her uncle's shoulder, eyes wide.

"Um... Uncle Jack?"

"Vena, what's wr—"

His eyes flew open in shock as he slammed on the brakes, the abrupt stop throwing her forward. She leaned back, holding in a groan as her stomach took a moment to realign itself with the rest of her body.

"Where did you come from?" Jack stuttered.

The boy and girl with platinum blonde hair glanced at each other in confusion.

"Outside." The male responded carefully. 

Jack gave him a look of disbelief. "Yeah, I figured that part out on my own. How'd you get in the car?"

"Through that portal." The girl replied instantly, pointing at the door. 

Elevena raised an eyebrow at the duo. The girl seemed to speak as if she knew exactly what her uncle was going to say. It was just a second too fast to be normal.

The boy beside the girl spoke up, "I am Seth, this is my sister Sara. We require your transportation services immediately."

Okay.... Elevena hummed in her mind suspiciously. They definitely aren't from around here.

She froze as the girl snapped her head towards her, as if she heard what she didn't say out loud.

There's no way she could hear what I just thought. 

Meanwhile, Jack was getting both increasingly concerned and suspicious. "Yeah? Well, I require—"

"A currency transaction." The girl, called Sara, finished.

"Will this amount suffice?"

Elevena's eyes bulged out of her head as she saw the thick wad of cash in the boy's outstretched hand. That was more than Jack made in all the past months combined!

"What, did you two rob a bank?" Jack was just as bewildered and in awe as her. 

"Is this acceptable, Jack Bruno?"

Okay, now that's definitely not right. She concluded.

Her uncle was on the same wavelength. "How did you know my name?"

Sara wordlessly pointed to his driver's license displayed on the dashboard and Elevena wanted to smack herself on the forehead. 

Alright, so it made sense, but something was still off.

As the teen boy named Seth began to instruct Jack on where they wanted to go, she took a minute to study them. They looked nearly identical, with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, which was odd. Most twins that were born a boy and girl were fraternal, not identical. 

They had a way of speaking that was raising some red flags. No one talked like that around here, like they were talking to someone of great importance.

As Elevena cocked her head to the side, she noticed that Seth had these hardened, piercing cerulean eyes, whereas Sara's appeared much gentler and softer. 

She had a vague idea who was more of a people person between the two. 

She looked down and fiddled with her hands nervously when she felt Seth turn his icy gaze on her. The lack of emotion in his eyes reminded her of the run in with Wolfe's men she and Jack had a while back.

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