Chapter 6: The Siphon

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"How's your brother holding up back there?" Jack directed the question towards Sara, who was still beaming at Elevena in unbridled happiness.

She came back down to planet Earth, composing herself enough to say, "His system has the ability to—"

"I will be fine." Ice cold eyes pierced Elevena, even though his words were directed towards her uncle, she felt small under his intense gaze. "We should just... keep moving."

If she didn't know any better, Elevena would say that Seth was fine despite all that had happened in the past few hours. But she noticed that his breathing pattern was uneven, and the nervousness seemed to flood off of him in waves. Being squashed between the twins in the back seat had its perks, she could feel Seth's warmth by her side, and she found it oddly comforting.

But that didn't prepare her for the onslaught that was to come.

"Seth—" Sara warned, once she sensed the shift in energy around them.

"No, Sara." His blue eyes flashed angrily as they bore into Elevena's. "We lost what we came here for because of her."

She recoiled back in shock, tears blurring her vision and threatened to spill over. The venom in his voice made her heart stop.

"Seth—" Sara's delicate voice was clipped, crystal eyes matching the intensity of her brother's icy ones that were scorching into the raven-haired's head.

Elevena shrunk back in her seat, trying to make herself appear as small as possible. She shifted her body away from Seth's furious gaze and shut her eyes tightly. She didn't know why she felt so sad and afraid all of the sudden. The air became frigid around her, and she released a shaky breath before bravely meeting his gaze. 

The hate in his eyes was unreal. She flinched back, but did not look away.

"We made a mistake, trusting them. Never again. We lost what we came here for because of her, Sara." He then turned to her. "I will never, ever, make that mistake again."

The hardness in his voice shook the very core of her being. With the last words he spoke, her eyes became vacant, and the life in her expression disappeared. Without a word, Elevena reached inside her pocket, and pulled out the device that nearly cost them all of their lives, and practically threw it at him.

She didn't look to see his reaction. Instead, she tucked one leg under the other, and leaned back in her seat. Putting the pain out of her mind emitting from her ankle, ribs and neck due to the anger burning inside of her, she closed her eyes. 

Feeling a gentle probing in the corner of her mind, she somehow knew it was Sara. Done with fighting whatever this was, she let her in, free to explore her mind as she gave into the darkness.


As soon as Sara knew Elevena was asleep, she turned to Seth, with fire burning in her crystal eyes. Jack was too busy fabricating a story to Dominick, explaining why he had been out of contact for so long, that he wasn't paying any attention to what was going on in the backseat.

"Seth—" Even though she was the younger of the two, the fire in her eyes burned impossibly brighter when her twin opened his mouth to speak. "If you cut me off again, I swear on Noulea, I will push you out of this vehicle due to your unfathomable stupidity!!!"

Seth backed off, once he saw how serious and enraged his sister was. His ice blue eyes briefly became unguarded, as he faced her.

"It is for her own good." He murmured softly, reaching out a hand to stroke Elevena's dark hair gently.

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