Chapter 5: Forest and Fire

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Elevena stood by Seth's side as he held his device over one of plant bulbs. This one was pink, not bluish-green like the other ones around it. The device was beeping rapidly. Eyes shining with excitement, Sara found her way over to her brother quickly, and pulled her necklace off, placing it gently on the bulb's surface.

It stuck to the slimy substance immediately, as if it was a missing puzzle piece.

It seemed to work much like Seth's device, and Elevena gasped in shock as Sara reached her hand in, and pulled out another device.

This one didn't beep, but it seemed to capture the clouds and all the stars in the sky at the same time in its small display window.

Wide smiles were exchanged between the siblings, and she asked them in wonder,

"What is that?"

"It is what we came for, Elevena." Sara said excitedly.

"Really?" Jack interrupted, making himself known. "Is anyone else looking for it? Say, the person who trashed everything upstairs?"

Elevena froze. She thought she heard something, but when she strained to hear it again, there was only silence. Lowering herself down to the ground, she tried to tune out their conversation in an attempt to zero in on that noise again.

"We think so, it is very valuable. Which was why it was vital that we locate it first." Seth told him, tone still clipped but vastly less than before.

"What makes you sure whoever wanted it, isn't still looking for it?" Jack questioned darkly.

They all froze as the sound of a door slamming shut echoed through the atmosphere.

"Go, go." Jack directed the teens behind him in a low voice.

Grabbing her hand, Seth pulled Elevena closer to him, and wound an arm around her waist to help her walk as they crept quietly. She couldn't manage to hide her wince of pain as soon as they started walking; and she felt Seth's sharp, blue eyes bore into the back of her head. The leaves rustled and branches snapped, as if the forest was warning them of the incoming invader.

They didn't have to wait long.

Jack was in front of the twins and his niece, but Seth and Sara put their backs toward him, creating a small triangle of protection around her. Elevena could hear it coming closer, and closer, until her uncle decided it got too close for his liking.

"Run! Run! Run!!" He shouted, lifting his makeshift weapon, pushing them out of the way. 

Gripping her hand once again, Seth led the way for the girls. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as the sounds of battle filled the air. In the distance, she could hear Jack go up against their enemy.

"Ahh!" She cried out as her injured leg stumbled and got caught on a bramble. Seth's hand slipped from hers, and she went down hard.

"Elevena!!!" He shouted. She frantically twisted and pulled at her pants, trying to free her trapped leg, but to no avail. Seth tried coming back for her, only to freeze in place, and pulled Sara down to the ground with him. 

His jaw was set in a hard line, and she recognized the conflict swirling in the depths of his eyes. She soon realized why. 

The enemy was right behind her.

Elevena screamed out in excruciating pain as he lifted her up by the neck. The brambles dragged down her leg, digging in and drawing blood. Clawing at his arm, she came face to face with some sort of soldier covered in black armor. She was given no chance to react as he threw her full force into a tree.

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