Chapter 13: A Minor Hiccup

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They drove for a while until the dog started growling.

About an hour before, Jack had pulled over and insisted that his niece sit in the passenger seat since they were so cramped, but gave up after Seth sent him a fierce glare.

The teen refused to loosen his grip around her waist and Elevena surrendered, not in the mood to fight with either one of them.

Besides, she quite liked being near him. He was warm.

So the stray had taken the passenger seat, and she reluctantly slid off of Seth back into her usual seat between the twins.

"Sara." Jack warned, not letting up the pressure on the gas pedal as the dog growled at him again.

A bit of a sheepish look crossed her face. "He would appreciate you pulling over so that he can relieve himself."

"Well, we don't have time for that." The full-grown adult retorted haughtily. "He should have gone before we left Stony Creek."

Elevena tried to tune out the one-sided bickering, snuggling further into Seth's side. He let her rest her head on his shoulder, then gently took her hand. She sighed as he tickled his fingers over the palm of her hand. Shivering at the tingles that shot up her arm, she barely refrained from laughing out loud.

He chuckled under his breath, planting a sweet kiss to her temple.

"He isn't pleased with your attitude." Sara relayed to Jack softly, the corner of her mouth twisting down in a small frown.

"Really?" He answered, sarcasm dripping off every word. "Is that the way he feels? Well, you remind him that I am a man and he's a dog. And I'm not about to have this or any conversation with a dog. So my answer is still no."

Elevena raised her head and folded her arms over her chest at his stubbornness.

"You know you're just going to have to clean it up later then, right? I for one, am not going to help you."

Her uncle exclaimed loudly in frustration, and swerved the cab to the side of the road. Jerking off his seat belt, he let the dog out and it ran out without a second glance back. Sara also exited the vehicle, wanting to make sure the canine was alright, and Jack in turn, looked after her.

Which left the two bonded mates alone in the car.

The atmosphere quickly turned heated and Elevena rubbed her thighs together as she felt her center grow wet due to the unresolved tension between them.

"Seth..." She whimpered, crawling over to him. "Please, it hurts."

He looked away from her.

"Elevena... We can't."

She mewled at his words, placing her hands on either side of him and hovering just a breath away from his face. Her eyes flicked down to his lips, pleadingly, but he didn't give in.

Instead, deft fingers tugged down the collar of her shirt and he attached his soft lips to her mark.

Her mouth fell open at the sensation that flooded her body. It should not feel this good. But everything was amplified, and she only grew more aroused. She tried to rub her thighs together to alleviate the ache between them, but her mate noticed the movement and a low growl emitted from the back of his throat.

His abdomen tensed as he tried to stay in control of himself. But she was tempting him.

Luckily, neither one of them had to make that decision as the cab door was flung open. The dog hopped in the passenger seat, and the two pulled apart as Sara talked to Jack outside. The heated atmosphere instantly diminished.

"Junkyard says thank you."

"Did he now?" The sarcasm was evident to Elevena, but not to the blonde girl. "Is there anything else he wants?"

Sara took him seriously, listening to his bark before replying. "He said he would love a bone or a meaty treat."

Jack gave her a fake smile. "Top of my to-do list. Just get in."

Seth watched as his sister fondly petted the dog, who slobbered all over her in return.

Elevena shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The wetness pooled made her underwear stick uncomfortably to her folds. Her mate stifled a moan as he realized what the source of her discomfort was and looked away. He would be unable to contain himself if he looked at her any longer.

They made the rest of the ride in silence, the dire need for him slowly fading the more she paid attention to other things.


She made no indication that she heard her, but the delicate voice rang in her head all the same. Yes?

He can't... hear us, right?

My brother is only allowed into our conversations when I let him join. Our privacy is enacted here.

With that out of the way, Elevena hesitated, not wanting it to be weird if she asked her this.

It is not weird, Elevena. You wish to understand how to control the urges that come with your bond?

She sheepishly confirmed it but Sara was very sensitive to her.

It is hard to control since you both will need to wait until we return to our planet, Noulea, in order to seal it. This step is vital and must be completed on Noulea or else I do not know what may happen.

But... These 'urges' as you call them, they get out of control. I feel like I'm dying if he's not near me.

A common trait when the bond has not been sealed. You will not die, even though it may feel like it. The feeling is supposed to increase the chances of mating.

By now, Elevena was blushing like crazy. She wasn't ignorant of these things, but she tended to be less self-conscious of her actions when she was with him and now she knew why. It was being helped along because of their bond. Because they were supposed to mate.

Oh my gosh... This must have been so uncomfortable for you.

Shame washed over her as she realized that Sara could practically hear everything she had been thinking. Including all the fantasies that included wanting to jump the teen next to her. Who also happened to be her twin brother.

Sara's giggle echoed in her mind.

No, do not worry, Elevena. I have enough control over my abilities to be able to block out certain thoughts. Your privacy is respected.

She couldn't help it. She slumped against her seat in obvious relief.

I'm so sorry, I should have talked to you about this before.

It is alright. I do not hold anything against you.

Elevena smiled at her gratefully. Thank you.

A soft nudge against her shoulder made her turn her head.

Seth leaned down, breathing against her ear. "What are you two talking about?"

Biting back a cheeky smile, she threw a wink at Sara and she stifled a laugh at the boy's confusion.

Grinning to herself, she reassured airily, "Nothing you need to worry about." 

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