Chapter 10: Jack's Approval

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Sara and Seth had gone down to the first floor to get some breakfast after they woke up. Elevena had fallen asleep in his arms last night and woke up to her uncle's crossed arms.

She had a hard time prying her new mate away, Seth not at all eager to leave her side but after some reassurance, he left with his sister so that she could talk to him.

Elevena wrung her hands nervously, approaching Jack as he patted down a seat next to him. Looking down, she took a deep breath but couldn't find the right words to say.

Where should I start? I don't even know where to start.

"Are you like them?"

She tensed, scratching her head. It sounded kind of condescending, but she sensed the underlying worry. He really was just concerned for her.

"Uh... kind of? Not really, according to Seth I'm mostly human."

At his raised eyebrow she laughed, relaxing a bit. This was her uncle, her family. She could trust him. So she filled him in on everything Seth had told her, including the part about being lifelong partners.

"You just decided that? You don't even know him."

"I know, but for some reason, I have a feeling I won't regret it." She explained quietly, aware of how naive she was coming off. "I don't have everything figured out, but I want to know him, and so far, he's proven himself to me."

"He hasn't done anything to keep you safe. He's brought you into danger."

"No," She shook her head firmly. "He's saved me. More than once."

She told him about their first run in with the government officials on the road, how he saved her from getting hit by that SUV when she fell out and he didn't even know. She watched as a light dawned in his eyes when he heard that.

The skepticism didn't fade, but he acknowledged with begrudging acceptance that them having each other might not be the worst thing in the universe.

The sound of the lock clicking open had them up on their feet in a split second, and Elevena's shoulders slackened when her gaze landed on the familiar twins.

He reached for her the same time she reached for him and they met in the middle. A sense of peace flooded over her being as his fingers locked with hers. His other hand automatically went up to cup her jaw, and his icy eyes scanned over her with fervor.

She closed her eyes as he rested his forehead against hers, a quiet sigh of relief leaving his parted mouth once he was satisfied that she was okay.

As the two checked over each other, Jack's hard eyes softened once he saw the genuine concern in the teenage boy's eyes. He really did care about her.

Seth's gaze strayed from hers as he lifted up the bag of food they had gotten from downstairs. It contained several muffins, some yogurt, cereal and milk. Jack took to helping Sara, who was staring at all of it in confusion, but Seth's eyes snapped back towards Elevena as he caught sight of her small wince of pain.

His hands flew to the hem of her shirt, silently asking for permission. She nodded, but not immediately so he didn't pull it up. He wasn't going to do anything she was uncomfortable with, even if the nerves came from insecurity rather than that. He had to hear her give consent or else he wasn't going to touch her.

The room had a first aid kit in the bathroom, which Jack found and fetched when he realized his niece had been hurt in the skirmish with the Siphon.

He showed Seth how to treat her injuries, then handed the supplies over to him. Sara casually munched on a blueberry muffin, watching her brother interact with his mate with rapt attention.

Elevena blushed as he wound a bandage securely over her ankle to keep it somewhat stable while they were on the move. He gave her the kit once he got to her midsection, knowing she must have damaged it somehow with the way she was clutching it in pain.

She headed for the bathroom, pausing at its entrance and gesturing to Sara in an open invitation to join her. The two hadn't had much time to talk since the whole incident and she missed her.

Sara got up from her stool immediately and the door clicked close, leaving the two guys outside a couple minutes to talk alone.

No words were exchanged between the girls. At least, not out loud.

My brother is very happy that you chose him. Sara's eyes sparkled and she caught the other holding back a smile.

You already know how happy I am. Elevena teased in her mind, giggling with her as Sara recounted the numerous daydreams and thoughts she had about him before she knew about the soul marks.

As she pulled off her shirt, a shocked gasp resonated within the enclosed space.

You are hurt... Sara's pain etched itself in her mind through the voice that echoed and Elevena ground her teeth, poking at the discolored flesh.

Yeah, but nothing's broken, so it should heal soon.

Elevena shrugged nonchalantly, missing the concern in her friend's eyes as she stepped back out. There wasn't anything she could do about this, it wasn't like there was an instant healing pad for bruised ribs.

Sara's gasp had her spinning around in alarm, but her gaze was trained at her hips and she followed it down until she noticed something slimy in her pocket.

Dipping a tentative hand into it, Elevena pulled out a glob of magenta goo with a look of mild disgust. The girls spoke at the same time with differing levels of excitement.

"What is this?"

"Where did you get this?!"

She couldn't match Sara's glee.

"What are you talking about? I have no idea where this came— Wait."

The blue-red leaves from the forest. She had taken two.

Sara, is this something else from your planet?

The vigorous nod was all she needed. She showed her how to apply it, and the cooling gel worked instantly, her skin absorbing the substance in seconds.

Elevena sighed as the pain miraculously disappeared.

That's seriously so cool.

Sara beamed. It is known as the Yu-Ko on my planet. It is rare but has extraordinary healing properties.

Two heads snapped towards them as they exited and Elevena tilted her head curiously.

"Did we interrupt something?"

They looked like they were engaged in a heated conversation, but that was strange. She hadn't heard any yelling, but then again, she was too busy talking with Sara in her head.

They both shook their heads and she made her way over to Seth.

"Is everything okay?" She asked softly, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb.

He sighed, forehead thumping against her temple. "Yes... It will be."

She sent him a small nod of encouragement and interlocked their fingers together. Then, they packed up what little things they had and left the motel behind.

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