Chapter 23: Outnumbered

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Jack had been gone for too long. The four of them were getting anxious. It felt like hours to Elevena, but in reality, it probably had only been a minute.



Elevena pushed out her bottom lip even though he couldn't even see her, but she didn't dwell on it, trying again only to get the same flat response.

Seth clenched his teeth, cerulean eyes flickering about. His mind raced at the speed of light, finally concluding what he ultimately must do. "Alex, it takes two to pilot the ship."

She tried to protest, but when he got up off his seat, she had no choice but to take the wheel. Figuratively speaking, of course, since there was no actual helm. As Sara was helping her 

Elevena latched onto his leg before he could leave to go help Jack with a plea. "Help me get these off."

Seth extended his powers to her temporarily by reaching out, allowing her to phase through the restraints. The iron clanked on the ground as it dropped off her wrists and ankles and she rubbed the chafed skin in an attempt to soothe it. His eyes darkened as they landed on the discoloration momentarily before he remembered his mission.

"No." He broadened his stance to prevent her from passing him as she followed him into the back to assist with whatever was holding up Jack. "Stay here."

"I'm coming with you." She retorted stubbornly, cutting him off when he was about to shoot her down again. "We don't have time to argue, Seth!!"

He growled, knowing that she was right. Grabbing her hand so she didn't fall behind and so that he could keep her behind him at all times, the pair opened the doors to the back to see Jack engaged in a brawl with what looked like the Siphon.

Elevena couldn't tell for sure. His helmet was off, and in its place was a veiny, pink fleshy head.

Jack looked up just long enough to catch Seth's gaze. A terse nod was shared between the two and they moved at the same time. Locking the Siphon in a headlock, the man gave the teenage boy an opening to exact his revenge.

Curling his hand in a tight fist, Seth punched him with all of his might.

Unlike the time with Wolfe's men, Elevena wasn't cowering behind either of them, nor begging them to stop. The Siphon had killed so many people to get to them, and it wasn't going to go unanswered. 

His head snapped to the side as she delivered a powerful kick to his head. 

The ship pitched violently to the side, tossing all of them up in the air, freeing the Siphon in the process.

The four of them crashed back down and Elevena winced as fresh pain blossomed in her ribcage. She failed to notice the military assassin stomping toward her vengefully, blood dripping down the side of his head where she had struck him. 

But before the Siphon could retaliate, Seth shielded her behind his broad back, icy eyes narrowing as his attack didn't do squat to the immovable teenage boy.

Jack grabbed his shoulders from behind and threw him into the airlock, causing the troublesome doors to finally open.

Elevena flinched at the blinding light that filled the space as electricity crackled in the air. Seth remained crouched down beside her, worriedly scanning her until a choked yell stole both of their attention.

"Uncle Jack!!" Elevena cried out, crumpling to the ground as she failed to get to her feet.

Her mate was by her side in a split second, but she pushed him off of her.

"Help him!!" Her eyes begged him to leave her and save her uncle. 

An empty space filled the spot he had preoccupied moments before, and she heard his battle cry before a loud thunk of the Siphon's discarded helmet struck the back of his head. 

The assassin stopped his assault on Jack long enough to whirl around with his hand curled in a tight fist, only for his arm to go straight through Seth. With that distraction, Jack was finally able to find his footing, and yanked on his leg. 

It offset the Siphon just enough for him to deliver the final blow, leaving the military, super-enhanced soldier to perish in the pure destructive energy down below.

Seth threw out his hand and Jack took it. Together, they worked seamlessly to seal the doors and put all of it behind them. 

Elevena propped herself up on her elbow, grinning victoriously as the blonde boy ran back to her. 

"You guys were amazing!!" She cheered.

"It's over." He murmured in her ear, the underlying relief not lost on her. "It's finally over."

Her eyes softened when she realized how much stress he went through. To land on a planet that was completely foreign to him, and to face all of the obstacles of dangerous people they had come across, to come out alive was a victory in it of itself. 

She closed her eyes. Despite all the odds, they had made it out. And now, they were stronger than ever.

It seemed like the numbers worked in their favor this time. 

A smirk played on the corner of her lips as she was helped up by her very concerned mate. Rolling her eyes, she teased, "I'm not made of glass. I won't break."

He was treating her with such care that it was a wonder she was standing at all. Almost all of her weight was being supported by her overprotective mate, and her equally as protective uncle was hovering awfully close.

"Did you hurt anything, Vena?"

She shook her head. "I'll be fine, Uncle Jack."

"That's not what I asked."

Elevena hesitated, gritting her teeth as Seth helped her hobble down the hallway leading back to the flight deck. She suppressed another eye roll at their snail pace. They were being so careful with her, but for once, there wasn't any need for them to hurry. 

Allowing them to carry her weight, she voiced the one thing that had been on her mind this entire time.

"Seeing you guys cooperate was something I'll never forget." She revealed quietly. "I never thought I would see the day where you guys weren't going at each other's heads."

Jack huffed out a laugh, and she was surprised to see a full blown smile on Seth's expression. 

"Yeah, well, when it comes to you, Vena," Her uncle chuckled, trying his best not to lose it. "You've got us wrapped around your finger."

Seth cocked his head to the side, features etched in confusion. "What does that mean?"

Sharing an amused glance with Jack, Elevena giggled, tears of joy budding at the corner of her eye.

"It just means that you do a lot for me." She explained to him through her laughter.

"Ah... I see." Seth mused.

Jack chortled loudly, clapping him on the back as they finally arrived in the cockpit. "It means you're whipped, Seth!!"

"I do not know what 'whipped' means in that context, but I assure you there will be no physical abuse."

"Seth, that's not what that means." Elevena told him, still giggling uncontrollably.

"... Oh." He offered her a lopsided grin, accompanied by Alex's bewildered gaze and Sara's knowing one. "Oops?"

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