19 ; bikini

28 5 0

one week later

"five minutes!"

i stood near the walls, avoiding the complete chaos in the centre of the room. today was the day aera debuted as a model. we flew straight to tokyo and quickly began getting ready for aera's first photo shoot. i watched as the staff crowded her as they got her ready.

"you're all set, aera!"

aera stood up and started walking towards the exit of the dressing room. my heart skipped a beat when aera turned around, eyeing me with suspicious eyes. i looked away as my cheeks burned red from embarrassment.

shit, she caught me.

"take a picture, it lasts longer," aera commented with a smug expression. i raised an eyebrow, letting out a scoff at her comment.

after our 'break up', she became distant. it started from death glares to insulting me with very harsh words. i guess i should have seen it coming, she wasn't used to being rejected so she didn't know how to deal with it.

the main door opened and my eyes started squinting from the bright light from the sun. the photoshoot was happening outside by the pool which was decorated with vibrant colours.

"aera, i want you on top of the podium!" the director who sat behind the big camera called out. she nodded and carefully used the stairs to climb up onto the podium.

gun and i stood on either sides of the podium.

"lights! camera! action!"

then all the cameras started flashing and clicking their pictures of aera. she stood tall, starting to pose as the cameras started clicking away.  she smiled and started posing, making sure to look at every camera.

"nice! move your head to the left a little!" one of the photographers called out.

i stood near the bottom of the podium, eyeing every photographer.

after a few more photos, i looked at the photographers. suddenly, everyone went quiet, looking up at aera with concern. i furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what was happening. i looked up at aera when i saw her starting to wobble on top of the podium. she flapped her arms around, her eyes wide with fear as a little scream escaped her lips.

must be those five inched heels that she complained about before.

it was only a matter of time until aera fell off the edge. without a second thought, i stepped forward and opened my arms wide. she landed in my arms with a thud. we both winced, she wasn't exactly light and i wasn't a cushion. she wrapped her arms around my neck, catching her breath.

"taeby, what did.." she lifted her face, looking at me. our close proximities to each other somehow made us speechless. 

the photographers didn't waste this moment, they started clicking away on their cameras.

"that's a keeper! we're all done!" the directed yelled, satisfied with his work.

"what?!" we yelled at the same time.

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"should i wear this?" aera questioned as she held three identical looking dresses in her hand. after the photoshoot, she decided to celebrate by throwing a massive party. soon, this room was going to be filled with many celebrities and rich businessmen.

i flinched when a piercing scream shot through the air.


i broke into a sprint and dashed into her room. i sighed in relief when aera jumped into gun's arms. she wrapped her legs around his waist and buried her face into his chest. gun chuckled as he patted her head.

"jiae, i thought i told you to put that dog on a leash!' aera exclaimed, looking at her sister with wide eyes. jiae ran after her dog after it got frightened by her screaming, "he's completely harmless, aera!"

i stood in front of the whole scene. there was a weird feeling in my stomach when i watched aera and gun together. i placed a hand on my stomach, wondering what that was.

jealousy? betrayal? sadness?

but then, i knew.

i was lonely. really, really lonely.

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