☆Where Am I?☆

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Who knows how much time passed until Ellie finally gained consciousness. For some weird reason  all her bruises and pain were gone. And also where was she? These aren't the woods I was in.. Where am I then? She could be mistaken but she knew the woods better then herself and she knows there is something weird here. The path she was on was unknown to her but she decided to see around, maybe find a way out.

She first walked towards the sun, to the west, but it seemed to go deeper in the woods so she turned back. East, deeper in the woods. North, deeper in the woods. South, deeper in the woods. It seemed like these woods never end. It was already getting dark outside and there was nowhere she could go. She found a big tree on which she could lean on without anything hurting in the morning. As soon as she got herself comfortable, sleep caught up to her and she was soon fast alseep.

*poke* *poke* *poke* Ellie slapped whatever was poking her and turned away, still asleep.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." She heard a voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be right up." She gave a quick replay, thinking it was her dad. Wait. Except it wasn't her dad and she wasn't in her bed, she was in the woods.

She opened her eyes and screamed "Aaaah." The guy next to her just jumped back. He had hazel brown eyes, was pretty tall and wore ripped jeans and a white shirt.

She started backing up. "Who are you? Why am I here?"

"These are The Great Woods of Shaelynn, the Queen of wood fairies." The guy replied.

"Do I look stupid to you?" Ellie replied with a discusted look on her face.

"No, wh..." The guy started but Ellie interrupted him. "I'm here, God knows where, in the middle of nothing, barely woken up, listening about some fairy queen and her woods, bro fairies don't even exist, what is this?" Ellie ranted her heart out.

"Fine." The guy replied, snapped his fingers and made a spin. He wasn't in his regular "teenage" clothes anymore. He was now wearing tight black leggings, a loose green shirt and had shiny, transparent, colorful wings. Wait, he has a what? Ellie was now literally starring with an open mouth.

"Close it, you don't want bugs to get in." The guy say and closed her mouth, but it didn't really help. Ellie was in shock she couldn't even talk.

"And by the way, I'm Manuel, a wood fairy. That is the reason I wear green." The guy, Manuel continued.

"But, how, what?" That was all Ellie could say.

"I will tell you a story about us." Manuel decided. "It was a loong time ago, since the beginning of the time. Then, humans, like you, and fairies, like me, lived in harmony. We were sent, like angels, to help humans on the way, only we were visible. It has been a many beautiful centuries until humas started to separate, thinking they could do better themselves. They started to shove us away and make up stories about how bad we are, that we shouldn't be trusted. That was when 4 kings and queens decided to finalise the separation and come here, to their own country. Each of the kingdoms choose their side of the country. Us, the wood fairies chose the West, the sea faries chose East, the mountain fairies South and the sky fairies North. In the middle is The Great Heaven, or as we call it, Fairyville, where, 4 times a year new fairies are certified to join their kingdom. All the kingdoms were united until the Sky kingdom decided that they didn't like ruling with 3 other kingdoms, they wanted to rule all by themselves. That is when the war began. As for you, I'm not sure how did you get here, no human was able to find us in centuries. How did you even get here?"

𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 ☆Where stories live. Discover now