☆Queen Shaelynn☆

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Ellie ran and ran and ran, she continued running even though she couldn't run anymore. She ain't gonna let a random guy, which she kinda knows, to carry her. Again.

"Okay, now I see why they say you're ambitious. And you're also too proud just in case you didn't know." Manuel flew around her in 'lying on the back' pose.

"And you're a.. dick." Ellie barely replied.

"Just because you made me act like it. Now stop, breathe and I'll carry you, we aren't far." Manuel placed his arm in front of Ellie.

"Oh and what happend to "I can't carry you." when I asked you to get to the Queen faster??" Ellie did stop but backed a bit and crossed her arms.

"First of all I didn't know you, second of all I can carry you, but not far, third of all, I'm not plannin to get caught by sky soldiers because you are too proud." Manuel didn't waste a second. She grabbed Ellie before she could resist.

"I hate you."

"The feeling would be mutual if I could hate. I am a kind and friendly fairy after all." Manuel replied.

"That doesn't make you any less a dick you are."

"Aaand we are here."He lowered her back on the ground.

Remember the face she made when she saw Manuel's wings? Yep she made the exact same face but this time she was looking at the castle of Queen Shaelynn, the wood queen. The castle did look like any other, shape-wise, but damn. The wals were made of the smoothest wood that sparkeled in the sun, lianas all over them and around every opening, a window or a door, was like a bouquet of leaves. It all looked like it came out of a fairytale, which wasn't quite far from truth.

She felt a hand lift her chin and close her mouth. Damn she did it again. This time the hand remained under it so she doesn't open her mouth again. That was a smart one.

"Wow!" was the first and only thing she said.

"Yeah, yeah I know.. You believe me now?"


"Okay lets get you to the Queen."

As they walked to and into the castle everyone was giving her weird looks. She understood why. Everyone had wings but her. She tried to ignore it but it was a throwback to school and how everyone watched when Jessica beat her almost every day. Manuel did notice the change on her face and in her posture and swang a hand over her shoulders.

"I don't know what's wrong, but I'm sure it will go away soon enough." He said still keeping his hand around her shoulders. Ellie wanted to replay but she was interrupted by a voice.

"I heard we have a visitor." A female voice said.

"Queen Shaelynn." Manuel was quick and bowed to her. Ellie didn't know what to do so she followed Manuel's lead. She also bowed. The woman, Queen bowed back. As far as Ellie could tell the Queen was in her 40s, she had blond short hair and eyes like the woods. Her dress was like the color of Manuel's shirt.

"I believe we have a lot to talk about. You two, follow me." Queen said, turned around and started walking.
Manuel grabbed Ellie's arm and quickly walked behind the Queen. They followed her through a hall and into a big room that seemed like a meeting room, but was far more beautiful then the ones in Ellie's world.

"Manuel, I believe you will tell me the whole story." Queen said as she showed them to sit down.

"Yes, Queen. I found her yesterday near the entrance, she was sleeping and I went to wake her up. As I saw she didn't have wings so I turned to my human form. It wasn't long until I showed her my fairy form, she was suprised but didn't quite believe me. I managed to convince her to come with me to You, that maybe you could help her. One of the traps near the entrance is now used, she fell into it, I reacted too late I'm sorry. The plant did get her, all over her arm, but when we stayed in my cave over night I saw the bruise literally disappeared, even though I don't know how..."

"I do, but please first finish the story." Queen interrupted.

"She fell asleep and so did I. I woke up about an hour before dawn because I heard them, I was sure they found us, but when I exited the cave they were far enough for us to run. We ran for quite some time until Ellie wasn't able to run anymore and we hid in a treetop, the soldiers didn't find us. We continued our journey here and I told her a little about our world and division of kingdoms. And now we are here." Manuel ended his story.

𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 ☆Where stories live. Discover now