The Girl In Pink

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CONTENT WARNING: Bullying and use of a derogatory word.

I can't stand

Breathing abnormal

Miserable joy

Candid memories

Never played out

Seething, wheezing

Teething, freezing

Chest tight

What is happening?

I can't stand

Breathing abnormal

Miserable joy

Candid memories

From long ago

--The song Diaphragm, lyrics by Orion Bauwens

"Mr. Bauwens, are you listening?"

"Now I am."

A few snickers. Orion sits up straighter as Ms. Ketter sighs heavily. "What is the symbol for silver?"




"Mr. Bauwens, I literally just said it."

"And I literally just said I only started paying attention right now."

A few more snickers.

"I'll give you one last try. In fact, I'll give you a hint. It includes the letter 'g'."

"'G'?! What sense does that make? Silver doesn't have a 'g' in it."

The teacher sighs heavily again. "Are you even on the proper page, Orion?"


Another sigh. Orion twists in his seat, looking at me panicked. I mouth 'a' at him.

He whips back around. "GA!"

"No, that's gallium..."

"At least that makes sense," Orion mutters. "AG!"

"Yes, Mr. Bauwens..." Ms. Ketter narrows her eyes at me, and I try not to flinch under her stare. "Next time pay attention, and perhaps give me an answer without polling the audience?"

Orion and I both slip down into our seats.

After class, Orion and I leave together.

"Are you trying to flunk out of High School only a week in?" I tease him.

"Not trying..." he whines at me, to my surprise. I really like Orion. His mannerisms are funny and unique. He doesn't really act like other guys I know. "I'm just bored."

"You say that a lot."

"Well I'm bored a lot!"

"What do you wanna do in life?"

He looks at me, a little bewildered. "Dude, I just started High School... please don't pressure me like that."

I laugh. "I want to be a firefighter."

"That's nice."

"Okay, your turn."

"I d'no," Orion says softly, holding both backpack straps and looking at the ground. "I never really bothered to think about my future. I just assume I'm going to spin into obscurity, scraping gum off chairs in a movie theater, living in this shit-hole of a town until sweet death whisks me away."

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now