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I'm there for you but you never for me

This loneliness I've gotten used to

This abandonment my legacy 

The darkness has become a smothering blanket

I wrap it around tight, seeking its comfort

I don't need you or anyone

You'll only hurt me

I'll offer you pieces

So you think that you know me

But you'll never know me

Don't worry for me

What you see is all you know

What you see is all I sow

This pain is so profound

I'll not want to be found

--The song Leave Me, lyrics by Orion Bauwens

"And in the noon hour, we're here live, with three special guests. They will be hijacking the DJ booth for three hours--lucky for all you listening! So, guys, please say hi and introduce yourself."

I've never been in a radio station booth before. It looks a lot like what they show in TV and movies. It also is basically a recording studio, which I am used to and familiar with. There's just...a lot more buttons and switches. It's a bit overwhelming.

"Hi, I'm Ben with Saturn Mutants--"

"Hey everyone, I'm Jake--"

"Hello! And I'm Orion with Saturn Mutants. Last but not least."

I laugh into my mic. "You can't see right now, but Orion is wiggling his eyebrows..."

"I'm gonna have to try really, really hard not to swear," Orion says.

The regular DJ laughs. "Yeah, please don't. I'll get in trouble. So! I thought we'd start with some calls for you guys, how does that sound?"

"Sure," Orion says, while Ben says "Yeah," and I say, "I'm game."

"Alright...So guys, the read out for who is on hold is here--" the DJ points. "--and to pick up a call is here. See, they're numbered and they correspond with the calls..."

"Oh shi--I mean, oh. We're actually DJing?"

We laugh at Orion's near slip up.

"Yeah!" the DJ says. "You'll be fine."

Orion looks at Ben and myself. "Which call should we take?"

"There's so many blinking lights," Ben laughs.

"How about that one," I say, pointing to the screen.

"Okay, that's...caller eight--this switch?"

"Yup," the DJ tells Orion.

"Hi Ashley from Georgia! I'm Orion. How are you?"

There's a slight delay, and then, "Hi."

"There you are," Ben says. "Hi Ashley!"

"Hey," I say.


"Don't be shy," the DJ says. "Did you have a question for the guys?"

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now