When Fate Comes Knocking

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The crimson that flows within my head

Makes me wish that I were dead

I've been made defensive to the core

You'll be sorry when there's nothing more

Tried to ignore you, pleaded you to stop

You wouldn't fucking listen, I fear I may pop

I never did anything, but you needed your kicks

Needed to laugh at your own stupid tricks

You wear blindfolds to cover your sight

Severe your brain so your wrongs seem right

They're the angels, but what you can't see

They're wicked and cruel with the sting of a bee

Their wings are charred to the color of bugs

You turn your head as they do their drugs

One day you'll be sorry, one day you'll pay

One day there will be nothing more to say

--The song I Hate You, lyrics by Orion Bauwens


Orion walks over to Ben, grabs one of his drumsticks, and tosses it over his shoulder. Ben looks at him, bewildered.

"What are you doing?" Orion demands.


"I-I-I-uhhhhhhh--what? You what, Ben?"


"Dude," I tell Orion, touching his shoulder. "Back off."

Ben screws up his face, talking to Orion as Orion stalks away. "If you're going to be a prick like this every time we have a gig, I'm not fucking doing this."

Orion sighs and turns back to Ben, raking his hands down his face. "Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just stressed."

"And we're not?"

"You're right, I'm sorry."

Ben gets up and gets his stick, still glaring. Once he sits, Orion turns around. "From the top."

Tonight is our first gig. I've barely eaten today because my nerves are shot. We're doing a final run-through before we load up the van we rented and head to the place.

How the fuck Orion managed it, I don't know, but we're playing at an actual venue. We're one of the three openers. We have to drive all the way to Grand Rapids, but that's fine. Orion insists on paying for everything band related, so he's paying for gas and any snacks or drinks we might want and need while out. Where he got the money from remains a mystery. My mom is sending us off with a cooler of water bottles.

As we leave, my mom kisses me on the cheek, giving hugs to Orion and Ben. "Good luck! Have fun! Don't drink."

I roll my eyes and groan. "Mom..."


"I'm sure they're going to have wrist bands, even for the performers," Orion replies, grinning, as he holds up his wrist and taps it. "Don't worry Mrs. Larson. I'll make sure your Jakey Wakey stays out of trouble..." He jumps up and ruffles my hair, then runs away.

She laughs. "You better..."

Charlotte was seeing us off, too. Now she stands before us, arms crossed, twisting her body back and forth in annoyance.

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now