Busting Open Closets

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I'd give you a dime

If you'd make my world shine

And make you all mine

But you can't even give me the time

I wish it weren't so

So please, don't go

Don't leave me here

To my cold tear

And my black fear

Which is so drear

I want to have you

Make my words come true

Can't you just hold me

And make my see

It's not all so bad

I shouldn't be sad

But you've left me behind

My teeth I do grind

My arms how they're bound

I'm screaming like a hound

So please don't go

I wish it wasn't so

Don't leave me here

With my black fear

--The song Black Fear, lyrics by Orion Bauwens

For the rest of the year I do Orion's homework for him. It's mainly writing papers. I make sure to make them imperfect--I don't want to make it too obvious he's not writing them--and I throw in some spelling mistakes and grammatical errors for good measure. Most of his assignments land him C's, but at least he's turning in something, and at least he's getting passing grades.

After a point I realize why I'm doing this. It's pathetic, but it's an attempt to get him to like me more. I realize no amount of essays are going to make him feel like that about me. But that doesn't stop me.

In return (though I never asked him to), he's started introducing me to people, guys and girls. A majority of them know him because of the band. It's never anyone questionable, too. He knows I don't hang out with those types of people.

Occasionally he'll ask if I like any of them. And I do--they're all great people. I just don't like them like that.

That is, until he introduces me to Pete. Pete is, unfortunately, a Senior, which makes me hesitant to get attached or even explore that avenue. Even so, him and I start hanging out a lot. Finally, around Winter Break one day, Orion nudges me with a grin on his face. Pete has just left to get to his class, waving at me.

"You like Pete?"

"Yeah, he's a great guy. We have a lot in common."

Orion rolls his eyes. "Not as a friend, imbecile."

I can feel myself blush. "Oh."

Orion laughs. "Want me to dig deeper?"

I screw up my face. "What's that mean?"

Orion bites on his lower lip and roughly ruffles my hair. "Aw! You're so fucking cute sometimes Jakey!" He then playfully, gently hits me upside the head. "To find out where his sexuality stands, and if he's interested in you. Duh."

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now