Unknown Goodbyes

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Wish I could give you spring

Save you from this desolate frost

We used to drive so well together

But one night

We decided to walk too much

I thought my mouth had broken

I thought my hands had burst into flames

But I was just panicking

It's what I do best

So break this ice

Take a pick to it

We have to try to fix it

--unpublished lyrics by Orion Bauwens

It takes fifteen days before any of us speak. I mean, not like I was marking the days off in red marker on my calendar or anything. 

We should have been working on our latest album. We should have been preparing for our upcoming concert. But instead we all were just pent up in our own separate houses, brooding (or at least that's what I did).

On the fifteenth day at noon Orion called me.



He sounds beyond miserable and I can't help but frown.

"We need to talk. I mean the three of us." He sniffs, but I don't think he's crying. "I want to do a three way call, if that's okay with you."

"Sure, whatever."

We get Ben on the phone, and I put my cell on speaker and set it on the coffee table, leaning back into my comfortable couch and crossing my arms. I can't help but wonder why we're not just doing this in person, but whatever.

"Thanks for picking up," Orion tells Ben.


He sounds guarded, curt.

"We need to talk about the future," Orion says. "Our future together. The band. Are we even doing the band anymore?"

No one answers.

"Jake," Orion says, "you didn't say a word during the fight. You're part of the band, so I would really appreciate your opinion and input on the matter."

"Are you trying to make me take a side?" I ask defensively.

"Fuck you. No. God!" Orion tisks. "Why am I just now learning you guys hate my fucking guts?"

"No one hates you, Orion," Ben replies gruffly.

"Could have fooled me."

"It was an honest question!" I say. "That's why I didn't say anything during the fight. I didn't want you jumping down my throat. Jesus..."

"So what do you think then?" Orion asks me.

I sigh and rub my unshaven face. I've kinda been a wreck the past two weeks. I lean forward, literally twiddling my thumbs out of nervousness.

"Look. I think everything everyone said is valid."

"Oh stop trying to be the fucking good guy like always," Ben snaps at me.

"Excuse you, let me talk!" I pause to solidify that I have the floor. "We unearthed a lot of pent up resentment, resentment I don't think any of us were consciously aware of, right?"

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now