Goodbye Innocence

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**CONTENT WARNING** Brief description of drug use.

Choking on blood and spit

My vision blurred

When did we slip

Into the absurd?

--From the song Why?

Lyrics by: Orion Bauwens/Benjamin Hill

Two days later the three of us are shivering outside of my house. My house is at the end with Ben's in the middle, Orion's on the other side of Ben's.

"I can't believe he sent a limo to pick us up," Ben says, teeth chattering, in awe.

"Yeah, this is surreal," I agree.

Orion is bouncing with excitement. Literally. "Fucking awesome is more like it!"

Just then a pair of headlights turn onto our street. Sure enough, it's the limo. We happily climb in, Orion flicking his cigarette away.

"Good evening, gentlemen," the driver tells us, twisting around to look at us.

"Hi," Ben says, while Orion and I say "Hey" all at once.

"I'm to let you know there's a bottle of champagne back there, seeing as it is New Years. Compliments of Mr. Pierce."

Personally I've lost my fucking voice. Is this really happening? I look over at Ben and Orion. Ben looks at mystified as I do, while Orion is grinning ear to ear.


"Enjoy," the driver says with a nod, then rolls up the partition.

Orion starts rummaging around. We still had no idea what to wear, so we guessed. Ben is dressed in a button down dark blue shirt, khaki's, and a pair of Vans. I've dressed similarly, but with a paisley dark purple shirt, a black sports jacket, a pair of nicer jeans, and a pair of purple Chucks.

Orion is putting us both to shame. Tight black pants, a pair of combat boots, and a tight fitting black coat with decorative silver buttons. He's wearing thick eyeliner, making his eyes pop, and his hands are covered in silver rings. He really looks like a rock star.

"Ah-ha!" he shouts, finding a mini-fridge with a bottle.

"Are we?" Ben asks as Orion begins the process of opening it.

Orion rolls his eyes. "Dude. It's New Years. We're twenty. Lighten up."

After some struggling, he pops the cork and it goes flying. We scream and laugh. It begins to overflow, and, swearing, I grab the champagne flutes that are situated in holders. Orion pours us tall glasses, grinning.

"Well, happy New Years, gentlemen," he says.

"Happy New Years," Ben and I reply, grinning just as wide.

"To Saturn Mutants?"

"To Saturn Mutants!"

Thus began our debauchery, our first night of many to come.


"Guys! You made it!"

We happened to walk in right as Brad Pierce was walking past. He walks over, stopping, holding a cigarette and a beer.

He's older than us, mid-thirties. Honestly he looks a little like Jesus. I always thought so, anyway. I'm happy to see he's dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

I'm star struck. I've always liked his band. Knowing that I was here, in his house, and he was speaking to us, hit me. I'm so overwhelmed I become verklempt, and I really hope it doesn't look like I want to cry. Because I do, I really do.

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now