Battle of the Bands and Missed Dates

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Chock full of bad habits

Fighting for something that's not there

Struggling and pleading, fighting for air

Fading away before it every arrived

Decaying rose petals at our feet

What am I doing with myself?

What is this deceit?

Lacking, floundering, becoming undone

Is this what it is that I have become?

--from the song Too Little Time, lyrics by Orion Bauwens

Sophomore Year

Orion is standing on his seat in back, hooping, hollering, and clapping loudly. He's also stomping his feet. I crack up and shake my head.

It's the fifth Friday of the school year. Ben and I just played our two songs in the cafeteria for everyone in the yearly Battle of the Bands. Orion is causing such a ruckus because that's how it works.

Each band plays two songs or three songs, depending on length since each band is allotted ten minutes. Whoever gets the loudest cheering wins. There's a first, second, and third place. Each lunch period is extended to a full hour (from it's usually 20 minutes) to accommodate as many bands as possible. It's actually a huge thing at our school, and every year most of the student body looks forward to it.

A security guard goes over and tells Orion to get down, which makes me laugh again. He hops down, still grinning and applauding. When it's over and they announce the winners, I'm happy to hear Rabid Orphans (yeah, that was our name) landed third place. This entire thing didn't really mean anything, but it was fun, and it's a good way to get recognition.

"You guys were gypped!" Orion exclaims afterward, an arm slung around Ben and my own shoulders as we walk down the hall. "I say as a peaceful protest, we cut school for the rest of the week!"

I roll my eyes. "You just don't want to go to school, Orion. It has nothing to do with our placement."

"Damn," he grins, "ya caught me."

"And we would've done better with a proper singer," I add with a glare.

"I'm not joining! Thanks but no thanks!"

"Maybe you would've done better had someone spent more time practicing after school instead of going to the local gym," Orion teases then, giving Ben a shove.

"Hey--there's no fucking way I'm giving up boxing. Not after last year."

To prove his point, he acts like he's boxing as we walk.

"Daryl's gone--not like it matters."

"You never know," Ben says, giving a few last jabs and then walking normally, "Besides, when we make it big, I want to be ready in case we get mobbed."

"Oh whatever," Orion chuckles, "you won a measly third place in a High School competition. Don't let it go to your head."

Ben punches Orion in the shoulder, causing him to stumble. Orion rubs his shoulder, throwing a glare. "Ow...hey."

Just then Stacy walks up to us, heading the opposite way. Orion grins, taking her into his arms, and they start making out. I roll my eyes, yanking on him. They both protest.

"Come on, at least go by the lockers so you're not in everyone's way."

Dramatically he reaches for her as I pull him away, and she does the same, laughing.

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now