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**CONTENT WARNING** Sex scenes, reader discretion advised.

Sometimes you stop and I want to go

Can't we move on, just go with the flow

Don't tell me your lies

Your sorry goodbyes

You make me so pissed

I just want the tryst

Don't stare too deeply into the void

Stare too long and you'l become soiled

Realizing I need this thing

Even if it will sting

This bitter Hell I gladly embrace

Just slow down and let me give chase

I won't hurt you, not very much

Or at least I tell myself such

Don't make me wait

Don't agitate

Say farewell to caution

--the song Farewell, lyrics by Orion Bauwens

"Orion. Orion."

Orion jumps, opening his eyes. They focused on myself and Ben as he yawns and stretches. Confused, he looks out the window. We were in front of his house. He then blinks back at us.

"C'mon," I said, tilting my head towards our houses. "We're home."

Ben got out first and then me. Orion was half asleep. He slipped on some ice and grabbed onto my arm. I steadied him.

"Yo Ben," I said. Ben stopped and looked at me. "I'm gonna make sure Orion gets in okay."

"Alright. See ya."

"See ya. Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."

Orion is shivering against me. I wrap my arm around him, holding his hand, making sure he doesn't slip again and eat cement. He fumbles with his keys on account of his shaking.

"F-f-fuck it's cold!"

"Hey, at least you didn't fall asleep out in it like my dumb ass," I smirk.

Orion finally gets the door open. We hurry inside and the first this he does is rush over to the thermostat, cranking the heat up.

"Alright," I say. "Just wanted to make sure you didn't eat shit on the ice. I'll see ya--"


I cock my head to the side. The expression Orion has on his face is...unusual. I can't quite place it. He looks almost guilty? Or maybe it's apprehensive? I can feel my brow furrow.

"What's up?"

He looks down a second and then looks back up at me. "Um. I'm kinda lonely. Um. Do you think--do you think maybe you might stay?"

I'm a little caught off guard. "Oh...sure. I'll be here when you wake up, okay? I'll crash in a room upstairs--"

"That's not--that's not what I meant."

He's suddenly blushing.

"I'm confused," I admit.

Orion takes a deep breath and then walks forward. He looks at me a moment with his deep brown eyes. Then he gently cups the back of my neck, leans in, closes his eyes, and kisses me.

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now