Feelings Resurfaced and The First Interview

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He sat in the shower stall of his mind

Watching his life spiral down the drain

All he wanted was to pick himself up

But it all came out so lame

Watching these neon lights

Where are we going?

No one really knows

He ran as frantically as he could

The manic pink lights fading far away

He slipped through the cracks

No looking back

He doesn't want to be forgotten

Though everything is stale and rotten

The sunset bile, orange and purple

What is he fighting for?

These neon lights?

--unpublished lyrics by Orion Bauwens

The album is almost done. I'm looking down at a sheet of music. There's a part I don't understand. I'm not sure if it's a typo, or if something's been changed, but I don't get it.

I walk out of the recording booth, headphones still around my neck. Orion is in the next booth over. He's done with all his recordings for the album and I know he's just in there practicing while Ben and I finish up our parts. When I open the door, my neck is still craned down. I shut the door behind me since he's singing. I open my mouth to speak but stop.

I have never, ever, heard him sing how he's singing now. He's doing this weird, breathy, half-whisper, half-whine, half-growl. (It would become a signature sound for him, but no one knew that now obviously). And yeah, sure, I had heard other artists sing likewise. Plenty of front men did a half-whine, half-singing voice...

But fuck, other singers had never done it in such a sexy manner. If I could have sex with his voice I would. I was immediately turned on (which was, admittedly, embarrassing).

I listened for a while, stunned. Stunned and incredibly horny. Finally I can't take it anymore--I need to either get him to stop making the noises he's making or I need to go spend some time in the bathroom.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I speak. "Er, Ori?"

He evidently had no idea I was there because he literally falls off the stool he had been sitting on. As I laugh I'm grateful; goodbye, erection!

"Holy fuck dude," he says, standing, adjusting his cock-eyed headphones.

I continue to laugh. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he says, blushing slightly. "Uh, what's up?"

"There's a note I don't understand."

He comes over and we go over it.

"Yeah, that's a typo. They must've fucked it up when they printed this out."

"Amatures," I laugh.

Orion laughs. "I know, right?"


For a second we just stare at one another. It's...a little weird. It's like he wants to say something but doesn't. Or maybe that's just in my head.

"I think you need to re-record some of the songs," I blurt out.

He looks concerned. "Why? What did I do wrong?"

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now