Chapter Nine

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Reia's POV
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I went to the main hall while Zach went to sign the cheque and collect the necklace. What he want a necklace for? Seriously this man is never fails to surprise me. I was pretty lonely so I went looking for Alaïa when the blonde guy came up to me.

 I was pretty lonely so I went looking for Alaïa when the blonde guy came up to me

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"Hey beautiful. My name's Asher, yours?" he said playfully with a smirk. I guessing he's what people call a man whore.

"Hey ugly. I'm Reia," I said grinning.

"You think I'm ugly. Baby you haven't seen anything. I'll show you if you come with me," he said whispering it in my ear. His breath fanned over me while I stood there disgusted by him.

"I think I'll pass," I said uncomfortably

"Are you sure?"

"What's going on here?" Saved by my knight in shining armour! Ok, I need therapy ASAP. Zach wrapped his bulky arm around my waist and I obliged since at least then Asher would leave me alone.

I saw Alaïa standing next to him with made me a bit more relaxed. Asher was so tall yet seemed so tiny when Zach was there. Everything seemed so irrelevant when I'm with Zach. I don't know how to explain it. It's was like everything else was meaningless and it's just him and I. I'm officially a crazy person.

"Nothing, I just thought I'd say hello before leaving,"  Asher said, not being affected by Zach's intimating height.

"Well, then you better go. You wouldn't want to keep your whores waiting, would you?" Alaïa said in the most calm voice ever as Asher walked off looking rather annoyed. Wow! We really do have similar dislikes.

Zach and I walked off to his car when he handed me this black velvet box. I opened it and saw the necklace. No. It can't be. He couldn't have possibly bought it for me, could he?

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"I bought it since you couldn't keep your eyes off it and before you argue that you don't want because we all know you do, I'm not taking it back and that's final,"

Why was he giving me a necklace worth 100 million when I was worth less than a cent? I wish I knew but I genuinely can never predict this guy. One second he's moody and the next he's as nice as hell can get.

"Thank you but you really didn't need to do this for me,"

"Well, I did and there's nothing you can do about it,"

Zachary's POV
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"Zachary baby!"

"Yes Mia,"

"Who did you buy the necklace for? Is it for me?" She asked in love-sick voice. I dated her for a few months in 8th Grade but she just doesn't get that we're over.

"No. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go,"

"Oh okay,"

Mia might seem like a brat but if you know her she's way more. She's just a lost soul, trying to fit into society. Sure, she's overly annoying most of the time but it actually just how she copes and I respect that.

I'm still in shock at the cheque I signed a few minutes ago. 100 million! What have I just done? I wasn't planning on buying anything but now I had just bought a stupid necklace for 100 million. All that money for what a necklace that I was never going to use. I saw Reia staring at it with such awe and I just couldn't help myself. She makes me do these dumb things like spoil my money on her yet I still somehow think she's good for me.

I was utterly furious when I saw Asher eye-raping her like she was a toy. I was controlling every inch of me to stop myself from liking her and here he was taking advantage of her. Who did he think he was?

He's below me and he needs to know his place because I won't hesitate to ruin his company. I know I'm going to lose a lot of profit if I do but I'm loaded so it doesn't really matter. I didn't destroy him last time just for Alaïa but this time there's no stopping me now and if he tries hitting on her again it won't look so good for him.

I really need to hurry up and find out how to take over Flair's. Wait! The most perfect plan just popped up in my head. I guess I really do work well under pressure.

"Book a flight for Chicago tomorrow at 10am on my main private plane and tell James and Miss Hilliard that they're coming with me,"

"But you have-,"

"I don't care! Just do it,"

Well tonight was eventful.


Zach is going to Chicago! What did y'all think of Asher?
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aditixh xoxo

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