Chapter Fourteen

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Reia's POV
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I flickered my eyes a couple times and saw myself in what look like a hospital bed but the people around me looked nothing like nurses or doctors. Where am I?

Zach rushed in through the door and everything that had happened flashed right in front of eyes. I had just fainted on a my boss's new business partner's private plane! I really have a death wish. Why couldn't I just be normal like everyone else and not mess up every 5 seconds?

"Get some rest," a man, next to me said.

My head felt really dizzy and it was almost like spinning in the space where I had no control over it. I was feeling super woozy on top of that so I just fell asleep like I had never woken up. It was calm with no sudden frights. I guess the demon has finished today's round of intolerable agony.

I really needed this because I hadn't had a proper sleep in days especially after all that anxiety I bottled up of going to Italy a few day back. Then, came the rush of nervousness of how to act around everyone and the ever growing fear that someone was judging me.

I know it may seem like I am running from my real problems by snoozing off to dreamland but actually this time I just wanted some alone time. No  judgmental annoying humans or traumatic nightmares. Just me.

The questions like 'how I am going to face Mr Coxen and Zach after this incident' and 'what I was going to tell them' just kept popping up in my mind but all I wanted to do was focus on myself. I tried my best to squish all that into the unused part of brain so the working part could focus on the comforting silence that surrounded me, making my soul finally at peace for once.

As we all know, my problems are so ginormous that they couldn't possibly all fit in that tiny useless place so some of the thoughts were still in the back of my head slowly tearing me apart but it was not as bad as usual and was actually bearable. I don't know how long this island of tranquility that I was on was going to last, but I really hope it never ends. No one pinch me!

Zachary's POV
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I walked steadily, making my pace faster with every step and as soon as I got there, I saw the doctor tell Reia to get some rest. Normally, if this was any other doctor I would be screaming at the top of my lungs why they did that without my permission, but this was Elijah, our family doctor, that I have known since I was 5 so I trusted that whatever he was doing was probably for the best.

"She seems extremely worn out and probably hasn't had a good sleep in days. She needs to rest to regain her strength after  the impact of the major anxiety attack,"

"Okay. Do you possibly know why this all has happened?"

"Well, it seems to be triggered by something by the way she reacted to it. What happened exactly?"

"She was doing something on her phone when I tapped her shoulder,"

"Is that all that happened?"


"We will find out once she wakes up then. Luckily, her body is recovering remarkably quickly especially since attack was so strong. I'm guessing this was not a rare occurrence for her and has most likely had them in the past before,"

She's had them before? Why would she have panic attacks? I just thought she was just one of those people who had their loving parents every step of the way with tons of friends to help but I guess there's more to her. Hopefully, this cloud over my head that's drenched in confusion will be cleared up soon.

I peered down at her and stared the beauty, wondering how many hidden secrets it held. Her hair was the brown of aged honey mahogany, rich and deep, yet still so feminine with the simplicity of her face features. The hue of it altered slightly as the strands curled and spread across the bed, as free as autumn leaves playing in the sunshine.

Her lips were plump and full with a pale pink colour that reminded me of a rose bud. They looked so tempting but just as dangerous. She looked so cute asleep with the blanket over her like a little kitten curled up and her cheeks were beginning to go back to their natural subtle blush colour. Zachary stop! Gushing over girls like a love-sick high school boy? I really need to get it together!

Grace was a sin that was created to deceive those who were weak. It was a disadvantage that some may use for their benefits, like me. It creates a open door for threats and exposure of your vulnerability and to build an empire you have to be strong enough to rule without letting your emotions cloud your actions. I was merciless and even cruel sometimes because it better to control the power than to be dominated by someone else.

**ring ring ring ring ring ring**

It came from Reia's phone so I automatically picked it up. I know some might think it as rude but what should I have done? Just let ring? Plus, it's not like she could answer anyway.

Alaïa was calling? Wow, already besties! This is exactly why girls had so much drama. Too trusting of a species if you ask me but still a very needed for the human race to continue.

"Hello Alaïa, it's Zachary speaking,"

"What happened to Reia? Did you kidnap her or something?" Alaïa said jokingly.

"No, she fainted,"

"Haha! As if! You really thought I'd fall for that, Zachary. Actually try to make it sound realistic next time, would ya? Reia told me she's on a plane. Wait! Wait a damn minute! How do you have her phone?" She said as the laughter in her voice died by the end.

"I'm not fooling around Alaïa. She's on my private plane because she's my new business partner's employee and I'm going to see their headquarters. She had an anxiety attack a few minutes ago,"

"OMG! Is she okay? Is the doc there? How is she doing? I can't believe this! I really thought you were kidding and she seemed perfectly fine a few hours ago though..."

"Yes, Elijah is here and he already looked at her. Apparently, it was triggered but it's unsure to know for now. She woke up but he said she needs to rest,"

"Okay, take of her and tell her I said get better soon. Also, why did you bring her ito the ball if she's your business partner's employee?"

"You don't need to know why. All you need to know is that I did already,"

"Okay, grumpy. Bye!" I can already tell she's rolling her eyes like a little diva.

"Bye and don't talk to any random men!"

"Zachary! I'm not 14 anymore!"

"Yes but you're still as stupid as you were back then,"

"Am not!"

"Seriously! You're literally proving my point," I chuckled.

"Fine. Bye! She said as she hung up on me.

That's enough drama for one day! Hopefully, everything else will run smoothly without any hitches and Flair's will be mine.


Yes, Reia has finally woken up! What did y'all think about what doc Elijah said?
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aditixh xoxo

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