Chapter Sixteen

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Reia's POV
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Once we got out of the airport, we got out and I ordered a taxi while Mr Coxen drove off in his car with his wife. Zach still stood there and I was really perplexed at why. Then, this  black Mercedes car with had his name as the plate number drove up to us. Did he really just have another car here too? I wonder what else he's got!

"Have you got a ride?" Zach asked

"Yes, a taxi is coming," I replied, nervously. I was still a bit shaken up by my anxiety attack but I tried not to show it.

"Quit the crap. Just come in my car,'


"It's going to rain soon and I'm not going to leave you here to get soaked,"

"Okay," I said shyly. I know obliging was probably the worst idea ever, but he did have a fair point. Plus, how can say no to a free ride in a Mercedes! I got inside the car and told the driver my address.

"So Reia, what are some of your interests? Before you complain that this is not very business-like, may I remind you that you are not allowed to be working,"

How did he guess that? He literally read my mind as if I was transparent.

"Okay. I enjoy reading, travelling and designing. What about you?"

"Boxing and cooking is the one I do most commonly. I don't have much time for any of them now but I used to go horse-back riding before," he said, while clearly reminiscing over the good times.

"Why don't you go anymore?" I asked out of curiosity. I mean he was a billionaire so he could practically get anything!

"I can assure you that building an empire like mine isn't easy. It's takes time, effort and dedication," It was said a bit too sternly but I tried ignore the tone of his voice.

"What's the point in all that money if you can't even enjoy it?"

"There's a time for everything and right now I have to focus on making expanding. What are your plans for the future?"

"Um I'm not too sure right now. I guess life decides for it's own. If you have told me 5 years back that I would be here now I probably would have shook my head in disbelief but here I am," I said sincerely.

"You know, Reia, I admire that about you. Most people always have the need to plan everything ahead of time yet you just do things as life gives you it,"

He admires me? Wow, I'm special, alright! I internally flicked my hair and put on a crown. On the outside, I tried desperately to look as cool as a cucumber but I miserably failed.

"One thing I have learnt is that predicting the future just gets you stressed when it doesn't go the way you want. It's better to take life as it comes and enjoy the present instead of contemplating over things you have no control of,"

"Wise words. To be entirely honest I didn't expect that from you but it is really good advice,"

"Thank you. So you got plans, Zach?"

"Not entirely. I just want to see how far my company can come to. My grandfather has been pestering me on fixing an heir as soon as possible to secure the Romano line although I am not too keen on that so soon,"

I bet he's probably going to one of those rich people with a famous wife and a bunch of perfect children and I'm going to be here in a tiny apartment, barely surviving. Oh well, that's what I get for being worthless.

Zach and I talked for a bit before I got dropped off to my apartment. I thanked him quickly and went inside, not looking him the eye once. My cheeks turned scarlet while a sweated like a pig in embarrassment about the place I call a 'home'. Nothing ever felt like home. Nothing ever made me feel comforted. That's just the price for being unwanted.

Zachary's POV
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Reia may be a pretty easy target to manipulate but I decided to dig a little deeper to see how much I could if I wasn't playing dirty. It wasn't part of the plan but I was getting bored and needed a challenge. My charm got its' way and I'm pretty sure she's now convinced that we are friends or whatever people say these days. Truthfully, I really hope she spills the beans fast because I don't how much longer I can resist myself from her.

When she asked why I didn't horse-back ride anymore, I got tense how to answer because it was a really touching subject for me. I couldn't tell her the real reason so I responded with the typical rich people line. 'Oh, I just don't have time.' Good thing, it worked and she didn't drag it on for too long otherwise I might have snapped and yelled.

When we reached her apartment, we got to this average building with a million balconies. How could some building this size be able to have so many rooms? I wondered about how big her's must be and felt the guilt churn up in my stomach. I had a mansion an hour away from here and I let her walk into cramped place. Maybe I could ask her if she wanted to move in there? No. No. What am I thinking? Ugh, why am I caring so much? I need to get a life; too bad I can't buy one.

Tomorrow was the second phase of my plan. I need to find out how everything was being handled and see what I can find about Flair's in general. Reia was the first part but it's not completely finished. No worries, multitasking has always been my specialty.


Zachary has hobbies? That's a shocker! What did y'all think of the chapter?

aditixh xoxo

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