Chapter Twenty One

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Reia's POV
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Ugh. Back to work. Usually, I wouldn't be so miserable but after all those days of fun this seems like the last thing I wanted to right now. I snuggled in my blanket for 5 more minutes, procrastinating whether I should get up or not. Eventually, my angel like side told me that no good was going to come being idle today so I pushed myself up unwillingly.

As soon as I washed my face, I felt a lot brighter and actually pretty productive. Maybe it's because I actually slept for exactly 10 hours which is a real shocker since normally 6 hours is my maximum. Either way I felt great and ready to start my day.

I ruffled up the curtains to let the dim sunshine in. There was a breathtaking sunrise emerging from the still horizon. I was absolutely mesmerised and also quite bewildered at how the world could be so beautiful yet so so cruel.

It wasn't entirely God's fault though. We just didn't know how damaging this human species could be. When a mother has a child she doesn't know what the baby is like until it arrives, right?

Tragic disasters like tsunamis, hurricanes, lightning destroyed so much but at the end of a day God was just being a good parent. Life lessons and punishments are needed in order to develop and grow. A bit like getting grounded or having to do chores, just amplified a billion times more.

People come and go; bad and even good. Death. It's sad that such lovely people end up becoming history but God just did what we all do. Picking the prettiest flowers in garden...

When I took a small look over to my clock, it was already 5.30! Where did the time go? My thoughts are abnormally deep and confusing. Sometimes I enjoy it but mostly it's a pain in the neck.

Being ordinarily basic as usual, I went with simple crop t-shirt in a powder white that had some pearls scattered across to jazz it up and pairing it with some dove grey plaid trousers with a small bow. It wasn't exactly the sunniest day today so I chucked on a thin woollen ash-like cardigan. I don't have a vast set of shoes so my plain white ones will have to do.

This was the first time ever I had taken a two-day leave on a weekday and I really didn't know what to expect

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This was the first time ever I had taken a two-day leave on a weekday and I really didn't know what to expect. Mr Coxen isn't a very merciful person but hopefully Zach has sorted this out otherwise it won't be too pretty for me.

It was only 6am when I got to the office and everyone usually comes at around either 8am or 9am so I had plenty of time to get a head start on all the work I missed. No one there yet apart from the grim old caretaker so the place was like a calm fairy tale including a goblin who mopping up the ground. Time to get cracking. Boy, this was going to be hard.


Finally, yes! I was almost complete with the work and the only thing left was organising a couple meetings for next week and sorting out a few documents. I genuinely even surprised myself at how quick I finished the work. Go me! Today was turning out to be a really good day so far especially with my bright mood, bursting with new ideas. It was very different most days and I usually came to work tired and dull but still bandaged it all up in a smile that was good enough to fool everyone.

I took the lift down to the ground floor to pick up some files when I saw Mr Coxen arrive. He looked as if he was a volcano about to erupt any second. He was very obviously infuriated and the last time he yelled at me was on my first two weeks. However, this look was worse. Much worse.

My legs trembled. My lip quivered in worry. My thoughts were contaminated with by my own fear. I wrung my hands restlessly, terrified for how he was going to react. I never was the sort of person to get shouted at, mainly because I tended to always mind my own business and do what I was told. At least then I wasn't entirely a burden.

Even in high school, I never really voiced my opinions because I was too scared of people disliking me or attacking me. I sat quietly listening to my toxic friends, bicker away about my fellow classmates but I didn't dare utter a word. They mostly just ignored me and took no acknowledgement that I was there but it was better than having no friends.

Nobody wants to look like a loner or be unaware of gossip. I always loved hearing about the never ending stories about everyone's scandals, achievement and how people interpreted them. It was so interesting to see how their minds works but I was always too scared to show mine.

"WHAT DID YOU THINK REIA? Taking a two-day leave without any proper reason or any beforehand notice! I found out from Mr Romano. Do u know how humiliating that was?!" He screamed at me. Thank God that no one else was around.

"I'm s-sorry. Za-Mr Romano said I could have a two-day l-leave," I softly whispered.

"And you think that's ok, do you? Is he your boss or am I? You should know better. Your leaves are authorised by me and only me,"

"I-i have n-nearly finished all my work."

"Well, you better have," he scoffed. "Don't you think even think of doing this again. I expect everything done by tonight. No excuses. Do I make myself clear?"


"Good. Now, get everything sorted out,"

I scurried over back to my desk and continued to work until my fingers became sore of typing. I was utterly shattered with every piece of me drained of life and filled with fatigue. I even got a couple dirty glances when I when I went to give coffees to my co-workers. Some took no acknowledgment of my absence over that few days but others questioned me at why I forgot for the last two days. I just gave them the cold excuse and walked away.


Damn. That was harsh. What did you guys think of his reaction?
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aditixh xoxo

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