The Almost Hero Trials

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oof, I've had a bunch of chapters half done for days now but, I've been so busy I haven't had time to finish them- Hopefully I can spam updates this week, after my brother birthday.

It was the week before the Sport's Festival and Izuku had discovered he had no choice but to attend his heroics studies class with All Fuck. He'd gotten out of it 3 whole times so far and unless a miracle happens and Mander shows up out of nowhere like the angel he is, then Izuku doesn't have much of a choice.

"Izuku stop whining, You'll be fine, and if you get overwhelmed we can just burn the classroom down or something," Tokio said, shoving Izuku towards the class.

"Or I could blow you up and make a getaway. I'm sure Mander would love to have a hot murderous lover to go on the lamb with," Izuku glared, planting his feet and refusing to be moved to the classroom.

"Quit talking about Mander. He literally tried to kill us, Izuku." Tokio groaned.

"So? I threatened to kill him too. I also turned bird bitch into a smoothie,".

"That's fucking gross, Izuku," Tokio said scrunching his nose...

"It's the truth tea,".

"Class, Izuku. Now."


Izuku would never say he's a narcissist, but he will say that he can acknowledge when he's looking fine as hell. Hence, this very moment where he looked in the mirror and whistled loudly his butt looked great in his hero suit.

His hero suit looked relatively plain but he still stunting on everybody. The base was just black pants and a black shirt that happened to be skintight and layered with subtle armor and made with fireproof material. He also had some combat boots that were reinforced on the inside and made for extra grip.

But the real kicker was the long trench coat he was wearing. This trenchcoat was his baby. It was fireproof and made with a material that was strong enough to be used as a shield. The trench coat reaches the ground and had a dark green ombre coloring at the very bottom. The ombre stopped exactly at Izuku's waste and marks where it's built to be torn off if it ever gets caught on something. The trench coat also had hella pockets on the inside that he uses for medical supplies and holds multiple weapons he can meld himself with or just use to fight (like knives, and a few bombs).

The suit also had some handy dandy green gloves that were reinforced with a metal bracelet at the wrist. The bracelet was meant to both make it so that the glove couldn't be easily torn off, and had a sort of spray canon that could spray a thin glue onto surfaces (like gravel or sand) to meld them together and make it easier for his quirk to spread.

The final piece to the costume was the mask on his face that operates as a gas mask. It was just a basic black mask with a green toothy smile printed onto it. The mask also had a small mic and communicator built into it so he didn't have to carry an earpiece.

"Oh you've gotta be fucking with me, Izuku," Tokio glared when he finally finished changing.

"What? Got a problem? Angry that my looks are way out of your league?" Izuku winked.

"You're such a dick. You planned this," Tokio growled, pulling Izuky into a headlock.

"Guilty as charged," Izuku smirked.

They were fucking twinning.

Izuku, the little shit, had taken Tokio's costume and replicated it without ever telling Touya.

Their costumes were near identical. The only difference being that Tokio's suit had blue accents, everything was meant to help cool and insulate his skin, and his gloves were made to help him direct his fire rather than direct glue. Tokio's mask was also frowning rather than smiling.

"You're the worst. Now people are gonna start affiliating me with you," Tokio gagged, dragging Izuku out to the main area for All Fucks highly anticipated battle trial.


After a moment of Izuku and Tokio jokingly arguing with each other, the others started to arrive, most of them shooting odd looks at the duo. Only Shoto had the common sense to just come and ask them.

"What are you two supposed to be?" Shoto asked. He's just as rude as his brother.

"It's our couples costume, you like it? I think we look cute," Izuku said, striking a pose.

"You are the exact reason my mask has a frowny face, Izuku," Tokio groaned, "And I never agreed to these. He stole the blueprints for my costume then copied so we could twin,".

"I sure did! Shoto, if you want I can ask support to give you a similar one too. You can be red! Or white!" Izuku prattled off.

"I'll pass," Shoto said wearily.

"YOU ALL LOOK GREAT!" All Might boomed, showing up out of nowhere.

Izuku instinctively jumped back at hearing his voice. He seriously hates this guy.

Both Todoroki brothers jumped to Izuku's defense after seeing him jump back so aggressively. Tokio's arm was immediately around his shoulder and pulling him back and Shoto had taken a very subtle step in front of him. How nice. They do love him.

"Welcome to your first fully planned heroics lesson! The original first lesson I had planned had to be delayed because of unforeseen circumstances, but now we're ready to go plus ultra!" All Might said cheerily, "We'll be doing indoor battle trials in teams of two! The teams will be chosen randomly!"

Tokio would never admit but the moment his name was drawn with Izuku's name, he knew he was in for the time of his life. That smirk on Izuku's face was never good.

(Somewhere across the room Shoto felt a sense of impending doom. He was not ready to work with Bakugo.)

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