Chapter 2- The Alpha Ceremony

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A/N- I'm not very good with this stuff but I really tried. The picture above is of Blair and Adrien's outfit I'll put Mila's dress at the end of the chapter. Anywho read!!!!😁😁😁😁😁
Quote of the Chapter
No one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side.
Blair's POV
The rest of my birthday past without a hitch, I had changed into my long sleeve purple Eeyore pajamas and was sitting in the lounge with Mila and Adrien, we were watching Into the Woods, our third movie of the night, as the credits rolled Mila spoke up, "From tomorrow every thing will be different I mean, you guys are gonna be Alpha and Beta, I'm gonna be Gamma..... doesn't that terrify you?"

I thought about it for a while,
"It terrifies me more than you can imagine, would be crazy if it didn't, but I know it'll be okay and that we'll be great leaders for our pack." I said with certainty.

"But how do you know?" Mila spoke softly as if scared of the answer.

This time it was Adrien who spoke "Your father wouldn't step down if he didn't think we were ready and if he believes in us why should we doubt him? He knows what's best for us and the pack."

  This seemed to settle Mila as she nodded and switched off the tv which was probably a good idea considering it was late and we needed to be up early tomorrow for the ceremony. We packed up the movies, snacks and blankets and headed off to bed to get some sleep before the next chapter of our lives started.

I woke up early and got in the shower, I was filled with excitement and nervousness as I showered I thought about all the things I would do to make sure our pack was strong, I got out of the shower and changed into my outfit for the ceremony, I tried to persuade my parents to not let me where a dress and the best I got was a skirt, so I was going to wear a white dress shirt tucked into a black skirt with black high-heels I left my hair loose because they wouldn't let me tie it up, before you judge me let me just say I'm not at all girly I don't do dresses and skirts and makeup and that kind of thing, I struggled down stairs to the kitchen and saw Adrien in a similar outfit to mine, just like me she doesn't like dresses, and Mila was wearing a cute dress that was white at the top and had a peach coloured skirt, both of them had their hair loose my parents were in the kitchen laughing and frying bacon for breakfast I continued down and sat on the stool between Mila and Adrien, Mila was still clearly half asleep she wasn't a morning person granted neither was I but my excitement was more prominent so it doesn't seem like it, Adrien was the opposite she was a morning person and it could be very annoying because she would wake us up at the crack of dawn and make us go for a run with her, I was brought out of my thoughts when my mother placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me I thanked her and dug in, my mother was an amazing cook anyone who tastes her cooking instantly falls in love with it.

After finishing our breakfast my dad asks, "Are you nervous or excited?" I replied with both Mila was just nervous and Adrien was just excited, when Mila said she didn't want to be Beta and would rather be Gamma I immediately offered the position to Adrien and she was so happy I've honestly never seen her smile so big that was a year ago, we've been training for it since then and now the day is finally here and I can't wait.

We spent the couple hours we had just talking and laughing and now it's time. From now on our lives are going to change forever. We are going to be the next leaders of Red Sun Pack. We walk onto the platform we built behind the pack house for this occasion my parents walk in front hand-in-hand followed by their beta couple and gamma couple then it was me, Adrien and Mila in single file. My parents spoke to our pack, who were all watching, they spoke about how they have done all they can do for the pack and that its time for a new era lead by the next generation and how we can get stronger and they also thanked some of the visiting Alphas and packs for coming it was then that I smelt this amazing smell it smelt like.... sawdust I knew it had to be my mate by the way Klara, my fox, was jumping around in my head but I told her that we needed to focus on our pack for now but as soon as it's settled we can look for our mate and she reluctantly agreed I looked over at Mila and Adrien and was surprised to see them also looking like they were communicating with their fox/wolves

'Guys what's wrong?' I mindlinked

'Can smell our mate.' they both replied. I had to try and keep the shock from showing on my face.

'Really?! So can I. You can find them after the ceremony.'

'No.' I heard Mila reply 'As much as I want to be with my mate I want to make sure the pack is okay first'

'I agree' replied Adrien.

I smiled and thanked them and when I focused on what my parents were saying again I noticed we would have to take our oaths now.

My father turned to me "Blair Kyrah Marshall do you promise to take care of Red Sun pack as Alpha? Will you protect it and its members with your life? Will you care for them as your family and keep them safe from all danger?"

I smile and reply "I promise." my father smiled and continued, "You have sworn a sacred oath and if you break this oath your punishment will either be death or life imprisonment now to complete the oath you must cut your hand and drop the blood onto the written contract."

I do as he said and can feel the power rush through me and can feel the new links forming with my pack. They then did the same with Adrien and Mila. I had completely forgotten about my mate until I finished the oath but I guessed it was one of the visiting Alphas or pack members because otherwise I would have found them sooner as we can find them after the age of 17 and I was now 18 so if they were in my pack I would have found them already, it's probably the same situation with Adrien and Mila because Adrien is 18 like me and Mila had her 17th birthday back in July and it was now November so if her mate was in the pack she would have found him already. I will make sure my pack is strong and well respected before going to look for my mate that is a promise.


Mila's dress⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

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If no one told you they appreciated you today, know that I do

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